As dab culture continues to evolve, carb caps have become essential for anyone looking to enhance their dabbing experience. At 710 Pipes, we believe that the right tools make all the difference, and carb caps are no exception. But what exactly is a carb cap, and how can you select one that best fits your setup? Let’s dive into what carb caps are, the types available in our online store, and how to use them for optimal performance.
Top Smoking Accessories for Joint and Blunt Lovers
At 710 Pipes, we know that some smokers prefer the classic ritual of rolling joints over using heady glass devices. For those who love the art of rolling, having the right accessories can elevate the entire experience. Whether you’re a seasoned roller or just starting, the right tools make the process easier, cleaner, and more enjoyable. From ashtrays and rolling trays to doob tubes, the right accessories help keep your sessions organized and enhance the overall smoking experience. Let’s explore some of the must-have joint smoking accessories.
Downstem Stuck in Your Bong? Here’s How to Remove It
The cannabis industry is not your ordinary type of industry. While there is still a focus on containing costs, optimizing profits, and maintaining quality control, the people who make up the industry tend to be a bit more laid back than those in, say, the tech sector. For that reason, scientific and heady glass makers often overlook some common niceties associated with traditional business – like making sure a product comes with a comprehensive owner’s manual. As such, should your bong’s downstem ever get stuck, there’s no owner’s manual to refer to to solve the problem. Fortunately, those of us at the 710 Pipes headshop have your back.
Rolling Paper Guide: Types of Wraps and Their History
Frequent visitors of head shops like 710 Pipes tend to appreciate our mainstays, such as pipes, hookah products and rolling papers. Rolling papers come in various types, each offering a unique experience for smokers. From traditional materials like wood pulp to luxurious options like gold, the choices are as diverse as the preferences of those who use them. This comparison explores the distinct characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks of six popular rolling paper options.
Rolling Paper Types Compared
Terpene Guide: Comparing Common Types and Synthetic Options
Table of Contents
What Are Terpenes?
Natural Terpenes
Synthetic Terpenes
Natural & Synthetic Terpenes Compared
Fast Facts About Popular Terpenes
Dab Rig Guide: History, Types, and Cleaning Tips
To those who have smoked herb for some time, the dab rig will look strangely familiar. It resembles the venerable bong, except that dab rigs are smaller and often feature more elaborate designs. The dab rig resembles the bong because form follows function and the function of the dab rig is the same as that of the bong: to filter (in this case) vapor through water to remove heat and impurities.
How to Identify Bowl Joint Sizes and Genders
While bongs have encountered stiff competition from vapes recently, hundreds of thousands are still sold every year. Many bong owners ultimately decide to upgrade their bong after owning it for some time, but to do that, they need to know the gender and size of the bowl joint.
Here’s a tip: if you might want to upgrade your bong bowl in the future, purchase a bong with the most common joint size, as this will provide you with the most upgrade options.
In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes pipe shop in Denver explains how to measure the joint size of your bong and how to determine its gender.
Eating Edibles vs. Smoking Cannabis: How They Compare
If you’ve ever indulged in edibles, you probably feel that the buzz you get from those pot brownies is noticeably different than the one you get from smoking weed. But maybe you’re a little apprehensive about sharing this to your buddies, thinking they’ll look at you like you’ve lost it. So what’s the deal? Is it your imagination, or is an edible high different than the high you get from your heady glass?
We’re here to tell you that the difference isn’t all in your head. There is a distinct difference between the buzz you get from edibles and the one you get from a bong hits or joint. Below, we’ll explore the primary distinctions.
The Story of Illadelph Glass: Part Two
In Part one of our look at Illadelph Glass, we went over their history, their reasons for and relationship with Philadelphia (which extends right to the company name “Illadelph”), some of the reasons their pipes are so expensive and a few ways to tell if you have a real or a fake Illadelph pipe. In Part 2 the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver look at the cultural impact these high-end glass bongs have had and why some people are willing to spend their savings to pick one up.
The Story of Illadelph Glass: Part One
Illadelph Glass has been around since 2002. In the years since their founding they have made a name for themselves through their many innovations and their unrelenting commitment to producing what they call “high end… functional borosilicate glass art”. Their innovations include the introduction of coil condensers, disc perc technology, multi-hole bowl designs, pyramid percs, up stem ash catchers and more which have made their bongs some of the most highly sought after on the US market. In this post the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver take a close look at maybe the most important bong manufacturer in the US.
Grinders Guide: Types, Cleaning Options & Maintenance Tips
Updated on May 28th 2024
As you mature and become a more sophisticated consumer of cannabis you are going to drop some practices and pick up on others. One of the things almost everyone eventually gravitates to is the grinder. The marijuana grinder can make a big difference in the quality of your experience while at the same time cutting prep time dramatically and eliminating the need to wash your hands so much (if you grind with your hands, like a lot of folks do). In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver answer some of the most common questions our customers have about grinding weed.
Does Vaping or Smoking Weed Get You Higher?
Good weed is not cheap so anything you can do that can help you get more from your herb is welcome. That includes grinding your weed properly to get an efficient burn and finding ways to get more buzz for your buck. In this post the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver will address the latter by answering the question: Does vaping or smoking get you higher?
How to Dry and Cure Cannabis (and Why You Should)
It might seem like the hard work is done once you have harvested your cannabis crop, but the truth is you still have some work to do before your weed is bong-ready. By that we mean you still have to dry and cure your cannabis buds in order to ensure they produce an optimal experience. In this guide, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver take a close look at the process of curing your cannabis buds.
First-Time Dabbing: A Few Essential Tips
One of the many joys of cannabis is how easy it is to pack a bowl, spark it up, and enjoy a heroic buzz. Whether you’re using a standard bong, heady glass, rolling papers, or even a dry herb vaporizer there isn’t much effort involved. Dabbing, however, is a different story. Dabbing requires special equipment, a special type of cannabis byproduct, and very specific procedures.
No Rolling Paper? Try These Nine Alternatives
Everybody reaches the last paper sometime. Even those who prefer joints and smoke every day – those people you’d think always have a generous stash of papers in one of the kitchen cabinets – run out of rolling papers now and then. Usually at the least convenient time: like when two feet of snow have fallen in the last 24 hours and they’d need a snowmobile to get to a headshop or convenience store. In situations like that the issue becomes one of finding or creating alternative ways to enjoy your cannabis. In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes in Denver examines eight rolling paper alternatives.
How to Measure Bong Size and Gender
If you ever plan on upgrading your existing bong it will be important to know both its joint size and gender. Otherwise, you may wind up with a new bowl that doesn’t fit. Now you may not be aware that bongs have genders but they do. Or more specifically, the joint used to connect the bowl to the stem is either “male” or “female”. So, if you buy a new bowl or stem from our online head shop and you don’t take the gender into consideration you’ll wind up having to return it for another. Read on to learn how to identify the gender of your bong and how to measure the joint size.
How To Corner a Bowl (and Why You Should)
When you have friends over for some friendly cannabis consumption your stash can take a big, expensive hit. Given the price of herb these days you want to make sure you get the most out of it no matter if you’re smoking alone or it’s party time. But how best to do that without seeming like you’re withholding? One answer is cornering. When we suggest cornering to customers at our Denver headshop and then explain what it is, it turns out that a lot of people are subconsciously doing it already.
Six Popular Bong Shapes and Their Effects
If you have spent any time perusing the selection of bongs, heady glass, and other pipes in our online head shop you may come away with questions regarding the different styles of pipes. In other words, you might wind up asking yourself what is the significance of all those bong shapes. And maybe more to the point, does the shape of a bong really matter? The answer to the second question is, “Yes. The shape does matter.” The answer to the first question is more complicated, which means you’ll need to read on to learn what all those bong shapes mean.
Getting Unhigh: What Should You Do?
If you’ve ever watched “Ted 2” you’re familiar with the scene where Ted, Johnny, and their lawyer Sam are discussing particularly potent pot strains including one named “How long has that van been there?” and another called “Can you help me get home?” It’s a hilarious sendup of the sometimes unpleasant reactions people have when they’ve taken too many hits off the heady glass or smoked weed that’s just too potent for their particular makeup. In this post we decided to look at steps you can take should you find yourself a little too high.
Statistics on Kratom Use and Where It’s Legal
Updated on December 22nd 2024
What is Kratom?
Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. The leaves of this tree have been traditionally harvested and dried for various uses. In recent years, kratom has become popular in the United States, often sold as a powdered leaf, capsule, or extract. Many consumers seek it for its unique properties, making it a prominent product in the inventory of smoke shops like 710 Pipes.
Kratom 101: Exploring Its Basics and Potential Effects
Kratom is derived from the Asian evergreen tree and has recently generated significant buzz over its purported ability to provide, among other things, CBD-like levels of pain relief and pain management. We get a lot of inquiries at our headshop in Denver about Kratom and so we thought it was time to try and set the record straight on this all-natural but somewhat controversial compound.
What are Pipe Screens and Do You Need One?
If there were no pipe screens and you loaded your heady glass bowl with weed and sparked it up you’d inhale a bunch of gnarly detritus from the buds. The screen is what prevents that from happening. Most pipe screens are made of brass or stainless steel, although in some high-end bongs, the screen may be fashioned from something exotic like titanium or quartz. Without pipe screens, smoking herb would be a decidedly different experience than it is now. So we’ve put together this short guide in order to give some props to the humble screen.
Become a Master of These Vape Tricks
When Bilbo sits down with Gandalf at the start of The Fellowship of the Ring one of the first things they do is create some pipe smoke magic together. In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes vape shop in Denver will go over some nifty vape tricks that will enable you to become the Gandalf of your inner circle.
Common Dry Herb Vaporizer Problems – and How to Fix Them
Over the past ten years, the number and variety of dry herb vaporizers has exploded. Here at our Denver vape shop, we’ve witnessed the surge in interest first-hand and its sometimes hard to believe. Of course, with any new technology come issues and questions. And dry herb vapes are no exception. A lot of the questions we field from customers have to do with fixing a vape that has broken down or is simply not performing as expected. Below, we’ll get into the details of how to fix common problems associated with a dry herb vaporizer.
Make Vaporizer Weed Last Longer With These Five Tips
It doesn’t matter what kind of salary you make: good herb is not cheap. With an ounce of Blue Dream hovering around $200 in Denver these days and an ounce of OG Kush costing more than $300 you want to make sure you get the most out of every bud. And that’s exactly what the team at 710 Pipes vape shop is here to do: provide you with five tips that will enable you to make your vape weed last a bit longer. So let’s get to it.
Four Homemade Bong Ideas to Try In a Pinch
Bongs can be expensive. There’s no doubt about that. Much of the cost is a result of the extraordinary lengths bong designers and manufacturers go to to come up with original, compelling designs. But even if manufacturers have the best intentions, expensive is still expensive and there will always be people in search of a cheap alternative. And why not? How hard can it be to produce your own homemade bong? After all, bongs are pretty simple devices with no moving parts, so it’s not like it’s rocket science. In this post, the team at our headshop in Denver will look at four homemade bong ideas you might want to try.
How to Travel with a Bong – Our Top Hacks
The recreational use of weed may be legal where you live. Or, at the very least cannabis may have been decriminalized. But that doesn’t mean you will find smooth sailing if you want to take the bong you just bought at our pipe shop with you when you travel.
Switching from Smoking to Vaping? Five Tips to Keep In Mind
Whether it’s used as a method of entertainment or to help manage common health conditions, smoking weed has made an indelible impression on the culture. But one aspect of cannabis consumption has always been a bit problematic: of course, we’re talking about the whole “smoking” thing. The best way to avoid the pitfalls of smoking herb is to switch to dry herb vaping. So with that in mind the team at the 710 Pipes vape shop present six things you should be aware of if you’re contemplating switching from smoking to vaping.
Five Ways to Improve Your Vaping Experience
People all over the world are catching on to the joys of dry herb vaping. And why not? Vaping provides several easy-to-quantify advantages over smoking weed that make it a common sense alternative for those who are health conscious, or who just want to have a more satisfying experience.
Vaping Etiquette: What You Need to Know
There is a mountain of scientific evidence confirming that dry vaping of herbs does not pose an existential health hazard either to the vaper or to others. But, while those of us at the 710 Pipes vape shop in Denver might understand that, and most of our customers understand that, there is still a significant portion of the population who are either woefully misinformed about vaping, are opposed to any type of cannabis use, or are wary of any activity that even remotely resembles smoking.
Ash Catchers: Do You Need One?
The nature of the bong accessory is to improve the smoking experience. It’s that simple. Some do a commendable job, others seem sorta superfluous and usually wind up collecting dust on a shelf somewhere. The ash catcher is one of those that has caught on with bong aficionados everywhere, but is that just a case of keeping up with the Jones’ or are there real merits to having one? In this post, the staff at our Denver headshop address the issue.
Heady Glass vs. Scientific Glass: Which is Right for You?
Updated on November 12th, 2024
In your parent’s day (or your grandparent’s day as the case may be) cannabis was a controversial subject. People who enjoyed a good buzz had to buy their weed on the streets of Denver from some very shady types and roll joints that could be easily concealed and smoked once they got to a safe place, like their friend’s attic. Bongs were rare because they were difficult to hide from parents and po-lice alike and difficult to transport in a safe, discreet fashion.
Glass Bongs vs. Silicone Bongs: How Do They Compare?
For 50 years, glass bongs have ruled the roost, and why not? Glass bongs are attractive, effective, and – if they’re properly cared for – durable as all get out. In recent years, however, other materials have emerged to try and claim a place at the table including acrylic, metal, and bamboo.
But one alternative material has managed to garner more attention from patrons of our Denver headshop than all the others: silicone. But why exactly is that? And are silicone bongs poised to knock glass bongs from the mountaintop after their incredible run at #1?
Dab Pens vs. Dry Herb Vaporizers: What’s The Difference?
Updated on November 12th, 2024
People who are new to vaping sometimes get lost in contradictory information. For instance, some articles out there state there are only two kinds of vaping devices: “portable” and “tabletop”. Other articles also state there are only two kinds of vaporizers, except they state the two types are “dab pens” and “dry herb vaporizers”. So who is right? Well, they both are. Sort of.
Can Silicone Pipes and Glass Pipes Handle Extreme Heat?
The art of pipe making has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years. It’s to the point now that a lot of people buy their glass pipes from our online head shop based on looks alone, and not whether it’s particularly durable or practical. And while buying a pipe based on aesthetics alone is fine it does raise a few questions, including whether or not that glass or silicone pipe will be able to handle the heat load it will be subjected to. In this post, the team at 710 Pipes will be looking to answer the question “Is heat a problem for silicone and glass pipes?
How Often Should Glass Bongs Be Cleaned?
There’s nothing like a beautiful, well-made glass bong. The look, the feel, the monster hits. It’s enough to make you want to skip work and indulge yourself. But there’s an element to bong ownership that often goes unspoken, either because people are simply unaware of it, or because they believe its importance is overstated: cleanliness. Here at the 710 vape shop in Denver people often ask us if their bong needs to be cleaned. Our answer usually goes something like “Do you clean the plates you eat off of?”
Extending Your Vaporizer’s Battery Life
In spite of significant headwinds created by the anti-smoking lobby vaping has taken off worldwide. That’s because people understand it’s safe and relaxing and affordable and doesn’t subject those around you to dangerous smoke. But as vaporizers have become more popular those of us at the 710 Pipes vape shop in Denver are getting ever more inquiries about the batteries on these devices. And those questions typically go like this: “Why did my battery die so fast?”
Seven Recent Vaping Technology Advancements
Here in the 21st century, technological change happens at breakneck speed. As soon as we figure out this or that device the technology is either upgraded or replaced entirely by some new technology (think of how streaming services killed DVD rentals). Vaping technology is no different. It seems just about every year now there is some new piece of vaping kit that takes center stage, making the practice more convenient and effective. In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes vape shop in Denver will look at recent advances in vaping technology.
Vaping Weed and Temperature: What Heat Level is Best?
If you want to start a lively discussion among your peers at the vape shop in Denver just ask them what is the optimal temperature at which to vape weed. Opinions will start flying in every direction with preferred temperatures ranging from 320 degrees (F) to nearly 450 degrees. But who is right in such a case? Well, to a certain extent they all are, because the different temperatures tend to produce different effects and not everyone is after the same effects when they vape weed.
Vaping Weed and Temperatures: What Heat Level is Best?
If you want to start a lively discussion among your peers at the vape shop in Denver just ask them what is the optimal temperature at which to vape weed. Opinions will start flying in every direction with preferred temperatures ranging from 320 degrees (F) to nearly 450 degrees. But who is right in such a case? Well, to a certain extent they all are, because the different temperatures tend to produce different effects and not everyone is after the same effects when they vape weed.
Convection Vapes vs. Conduction Vapes: Which Type is Best?
Anyone who works in a vape shop hears questions about desktop and portable vaporizers all the time. In particular, people want to know if there’s a significant difference in functionality between the two or if the differences are mainly cosmetic. In this post, we’re going to compare how each type of unit performs similar functions, whether one is objectively better than the other and what are the pros and cons of each type of device.
Making Weed Tea: How You Can Do It
Updated on September 22nd 2023
Our Denver smoke shop has a secret love: weed tea. Does it sound disgusting? Yes! Is it disgusting? That’s up to you to decide.
With the right mix of weed, tea, and add-ons like honey or cinnamon, you can create a delicious concoction that will get you as high as a kite.
We’re excited to share this recipe with you. Weed tea is a little-known way of consuming marijuana, but it can do wonders.
What’s better than snuggling up with a cup of tea while watching one of your favorite shows? And not just any tea. Tea that will get you high!
So put away your glass pipes and pull out a ceramic mug instead. Here we go!
Five Ways to Salvage Your Old Weed
So you’ve found some old pot. Can you still use it? Will it hurt you? Will it get you high?
Our headshop gets this question all the time. Of course you don’t want to waste any precious nugs if you don’t have to. Luckily, you’re in the clear.
Using old weed can still get you high. But the best thing to do with it is to repurpose it! This can breathe some fresh air into your old pot.
Let’s go over the ins and outs of old weed, and finish off with some ideas on how to bring it back to life.
How to Inhale Weed (Yes, There is a Right Way)
People come to our Denver headshop all the time wondering why they go through so much weed. The first thing we tell them is that they may not be inhaling correctly!
Our head shop knows all about inhaling weed firsthand. There are two main mistakes people make when trying to inhale weed:
Dab Nails: An Essential Guide
At 710 Pipes, we know that dab nails are essential for vaporizing cannabis concentrates like wax and shatter. In this article, we explain the different types of dab nails—titanium, quartz, ceramic, and glass—and how each material affects your dabbing experience in terms of flavor, heat retention, and durability. We also cover the importance of seasoning certain nails to ensure a smoother, better-tasting dab. Whether you’re new to dabbing or a seasoned pro, this guide will help you make the right choice for your setup.
What is a Dab Nail?
A dab nail is an essential component of a dab rig used in the consumption of cannabis concentrates, such as wax, shatter, and oil. When dabbing, the nail is the part that gets heated with a torch or electric element until it reaches a high temperature, at which point a small amount of concentrate is applied. The intense heat vaporizes the concentrate, allowing it to be inhaled.
How Eating Edibles Compares to Smoking Weed
When you’re first searching “smoke shop near me” on Google, you may not be sure how you want to consume your weed. Our head shop specializes in custom glass pipes and bongs, but we can still walk you through the world of both smoking and edibles.
If you’ve never tried an edible, you’ll be surprised at how different the experience is from smoking. It’s a different kind of high that is stronger and lasts longer. And it’s easy to accidentally get a lot higher than planned! But don’t worry, we’ll cover that.
Let’s talk about how the body reacts to smoking and edibles, how each method affects your high, the difference between Indica and Sativa strains, and some common cannabinoids.
Bongs vs. Dab Rigs: How Do They Compare?
Before you look up “smoke shops near me”, you should know that our online head shop has the rundown on anything and everything weed-related. That’s why we’re going to walk you through bongs vs dab rigs 101!
Hitting a bong and taking a dab are two completely different animals. But you may be surprised to learn that the mechanisms are surprisingly similar.
You’re sure to have your preference for one or the other. Do you like the smooth, cool rips of a bong? Or the harsh-hitting dabs that knock you out?
Either way, it’s important to know as much as you can about tree life. So let’s get to it!