Blog Tag: pipes

The Apple Pipe: What It Is and How to Make One

Maybe you’ve heard of the apple pipe but just assumed it was named after its inventor/designer (there are thousands of people in the US with the last name “Apple” so it’s not out of the question). Or maybe someone told you about it and you just assumed they were joking with you. Or maybe you’ve never heard of it. In any case, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop at Denver University would like to set the record straight:

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The Many Different Ways You Can Enjoy Weed

People have been smoking weed for thousands of years. The unbroken line of continuous cannabis consumption goes back to the ancient Chinese and Japanese, up through the Syrians of the 12th century and right to Napoleon’s troops who needed to find an alternative to alcohol when he invaded Muslim Egypt 200 years ago. During the 1960s and 1970s cannabis, along with the headshop, became integral parts of post-WWII youth culture and its popularity has continued to spread up to the present day where its use has become – dare we say it – mainstream.

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Heady Glass 101: An Essential Guide

Updated on November 12th, 2024
Our online smoke shop carries a range of stunning and locally made heady glass. If you’re new to the head shop scene, or looking to better understand your options, review our expert guide to learn the essentials of heady glass.

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Two Effective Ways to Clean Your Water Pipe

Our online smoke shop team recently explained why it’s important to keep your water pipes clean. That leaves us with a glaring question – what’s the best way to clean them? We’ve put together a step-by step guide to two recommended bong-cleaning approaches.

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Four Effective Filtration Methods for Better Bong Hits

Even on the best of days, we’re only human. The need to occasionally clear our throats or cough when they get irritated wouldn’t usually make most of us think twice. However, with flu season 2020 rapidly descending and the second wave of an unprecedented global pandemic steadily rising in its impact, a cough or two can be enough to make us panic – if only for a second or two. Regular consumers of legal herb may have made peace with the “smoker’s cough” some time ago, but even minor extra throat sounds can make fellow grocery shoppers shoot daggers from their six-foot distance and lurch backwards lest we have the plague.

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Ultimate Buyer’s Guide: Types of Pipes, Vapes and Papers

Updated on November 12th, 2024

Here at 710 Pipes, we offer every type of smoking product. From heady glass bongs and pipes to vaporizers and rolling papers, you’ll find everything you’re looking for in our online smoke shop and two Denver-area stores.

Whether you’re a longtime smoke shop lover or you’re new to the scene, you’ve likely been curious about the various modes of consumption available for use. Walking into a smoke shop with thousands of options can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Thankfully, our seasoned industry experts have the intel on different types of glass pipes, wraps and vaporizers.

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Tobacco Collectibles and The Perfect Tobacco Pipe

Tobacco has played an important role in the history of the United States. From the Colonial plantations that allowed American trade to prosper, to the decades where doctors would prescribe tobacco for weight loss, the plant has proliferated in popularity and remains a major aspect of society today. Artifacts that celebrate this extensive and interesting history are now in vogue, and demand top dollar by tobacco enthusiasts and antique collectors alike.

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