710 Pipes Blog

How to Store Your Stash

Four sealed mason jars holding nuggets of cannabis

Not too hot…

Avoid storing cannabis near anything that gives off heat. Mold and mildew grow most quickly in warm temperatures – especially in the range of 77° to 86° F. Keeping your stash somewhere cooler than this will go a long way toward preventing this type of contamination.  High temperatures can also damage the chemical composition of marijuana, potentially damaging terpenes that developed over months of mindful care. You’ll get a harsh, hot hit of smoke if you dry out your supply and damage these essential oils. So keep it someplace cool, and your throat will thank you.

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Roadmap to the Right Wrap: Comparing Rolling Paper Materials

OCB rolling paper packs in assorted styles and materials

Frequent visitors of head shops like 710 Pipes tend to appreciate our mainstays, such as pipes, hookah products and rolling papers. Rolling papers come in various types, each offering a unique experience for smokers. From traditional materials like wood pulp to luxurious options like gold, the choices are as diverse as the preferences of those who use them. This comparison explores the distinct characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks of six popular rolling paper options.

Rolling Paper Types Compared

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Bud By Any Other Name

Grid of 32 cannabis strains with images and descriptions

Shakespeare famously quipped “that which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” The same could be said about your favorite strain of flower. Still, many of the most popular strains in Denver are arguably enhanced by their catchy names, especially those verging on the silly and strange. Who gets the fantastic honor of bestowing Squiblica or Schnazzleberry into our lexicon? What goes into the process of penning the perfect name? As a writer for a smoke shop and lover of the ridiculous, these are the questions that keep me up at night. While the science behind growing and cultivating the very best bud is incredibly intricate, naming is formulaic and thoughtful in its own right – though seemingly much more fun. In today’s guide, our smoke shop team briefly answers your top questions about strain-naming and hits you with the highlights of its history.

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Tell Joints Apart From Spliffs and Blunts – and Roll One Perfectly

Three adjacent photos of ground herb on rolling papers

Here at 710 Pipes, we have every imaginable smoking device and accessory – from heady glass bongs and dab rigs to carb caps and quartz bangers. Our Northglenn and Denver smoke shops (on Colfax and near D.U.) are packed with hundreds of quality vaporizers, pipes, water pipes, hookahs and so much more. Still, sometimes it’s refreshing to go back to basics by rolling up a little paper. We recently reviewed the different types of rolling papers and the biggest advantages of each. But once you’ve bought your papers – then what? There are three basic categories of rolled cannabis: spliffs, joints, and blunts. Even the newest cannabis smoker on the block has usually heard these names dropped in passing, but the divisions between the three groups can get a little hazey. First, we’ll go over the basics of each category, and the pros and cons to each type. Then, follow our seasoned smoke shop expert’s step-by-step instructions to roll the perfect joint.

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Hard-Hitting History of the Modern Bong

Cave art depiction of early ritual water pipe use

The oldest water pipe known to historians is around 2,400 years old. These relics were made entirely of solid gold, and used exclusively by Scythian tribal chiefs, who prevailed over territory that eventually became modern-day Russia. That’s right – there’s a solid gold bong predating the invention of the wheelbarrow.

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The Scourge of Synthetic Marijuana Descends on Denver

Updated on July 19th 2023
Yellow "caution" tape warns readers of potential danger

For hour after hour ambulance lights sliced through the night in New Haven, Connecticut. Emergency rooms in hospitals just a stone’s throw from the stately halls of Yale University were overwhelmed with victims, many of them vomiting and convulsing. It had all the earmarks of a chemical gas attack. And in an indirect way that’s what it was. But this particular chemical attack didn’t come courtesy of a Scud missile or terrorist’s makeshift explosive device. No. The victims of this chemical attack administered the poison agent to themselves. Its name: K2, synthetic marijuana.

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Types of Pipes: What Should You Choose?

Whether you’re a longtime smoker or new to the field of grass, you’ve likely been curious about the various modes of consumption available for use. Walking into a smoke shop with thousands of options can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Pipes are generally made from one of three materials: glass, wood, and metal. There are pros and cons to each type of instrument that any user would be wise to consider, to ensure that they’re getting the best experience possible. There are many options to consider purchasing at any smoke shop, from vaporizers, to water pipes, bongs and more. Today we’ll compare the three most popular materials used for pipes and the benefits and drawbacks to each, so that those of you in the market for a pipe will know exactly what to look for on your next trip to your local head shop.

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The ABCs of CBD

Large yellow alphabet letters hung on white gallery wall

Nationwide advocates of CBD rave about its benefits for a broad range of maladies, physical and psychological. For many afflicted with arthritis, epilepsy, anxiety or countless other ailments, CBD has been life-changing, and the benefits felt by users are heralded without any doubt. The success stories, coupled with a lack of side effects or propensity for addiction, have fueled countless users to adopt CBD in their own treatment regiment – and spread the craze to others still. Better yet, unlike THC-heavy products, pure CBD can be found at vape shops and head shops like 710Pipes. While CBD has been life-changing for many, and countless credible sources have conducted research in support of their claims, federal administrators have been slow to meet the public’s demand for research into cannabidiol’s efficacy. PubMed has published research affirming CBD’s role in alleviating the symptoms of more than fifty ailments. As the opioid epidemic rages across the nation, having a non-addictive, non-intoxicating alternative with a significant capacity for relief has been a godsend to users everywhere.

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The CBD Beverage Industry: We’ll Drink To That!

Muscular shirtless man chugging energy drink in gym
Shirtless muscular man drinking energy drink in gym

Expo! Expo! Read All About It!

At the 2018 Natural Products Expo, which took place last March in Anaheim, California, the latest and most innovative trends in holistic health were showcased. There it became clear how quickly the cannabidiol craze is taking hold of the beverage industry. From CBD soda, coffee blends, matcha and tea, the public demand for CBD has not gone unnoticed, and beverage makers have answered their call. As marijuana restrictions slowly fade with every election, the market for consumable cannabinoids of any variety is rising. In fact, in 2017 alone, the legal weed industry raked in more than $9 BILLION dollars in revenue. Since recreational weed became legal in the state of California, those blazing-high profits have skyrocketed further still. Hemp-based CBD is far more accessible than THC – in fact, its consumption is now legal (for some or all users) in 47 U.S. States (sorry Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota). Better yet, for anyone near 710 Pipes in Northglenn or our D.U. head shop location, wide varieties of CBD products are available right now.

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CBD: Full Spectrum Vs Isolate

Images of CBD Full Spectrum and Isolate with descriptions

Cannabidiol, or CBD as it’s more commonly known, is just one of many naturally occurring compounds exclusive to both cannabis and hemp plants. The compound itself has shown beneficial to a staggering number of common maladies, and being a “unregulated” chemical, can be sold over the counter. Not surprisingly, a still-growing industry has amassed around the natural compound – inviting interest from industrialists, politicians, researchers and sick people alike.

But as interest in CBD has risen, so have debates in a topic getting more attention every year: what format of the product is best and just how should CBD be administered.

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3 Non-Cannabis Plants That “Grow Their Own”

Field of bright pink flowers growing like cannabinoids

Maybe you’ve heard of Cannabinoids by now: the collection of endogenous compounds that make Cannabis and Hemp such overwhelmingly useful plants for a range of physical and cognitive maladies. Perhaps you’ve even been versed in the Endocannabinoid System that synthesizes these compounds in mammalian bodies (dogs and humans, alike). But did you know that Cannabinoids can be found in a host of other vegetative plants? Although you might not want to stuff these daisies and shrubs into your bong or vaporizer (actually that’s a definite no, don’t smoke or vaporizer any of these), today’s article will shed light on some Non-Cannabis plants that have figured out that Cannabinoids are good all over the place.

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Bringing Bongs on Vacation: How to Fly or Road Trip Safely

Updated on May 21st 2023
Airplane departing from runway at sundown

Every holiday season, many of us stoners find ourselves fumbling to book flights to visit our families in prohibition states. This can pose some alarm to the chronic cannabis user. The recreational use of weed may be legal where you live. Or, at the very least cannabis may have been decriminalized. But that doesn’t mean you will find smooth sailing if you want to take the bong you just bought at our pipe shop with you when you travel.

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Why Denver Should Push for Cannabis Juice Bars (and a Higher Plant Count)

Are you tired of coughing up a lung from smoking your medicine through a bong? Fatigued from countless trips to the Head Shop? Dissatisfied with your vaporizer? Sick of waiting an hour for your edibles to kick in? Well… I’m mostly ok with everything, too, but as it turns out, there’s another method of consuming Cannabis that scientists are saying is not only healthier for you, but actually allows your body to absorb more weed than you’re used to.

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The Hemp Economy that Never Happened

The year was 1938 and a new contraption had just been patented that would remove months of dry rotting required to separate fiber from the hemp plant. What had, for millennia, been a seasonal process to rot the fiber out of the hemp stalks, had now become an afternoon of labor; a development that had huge implications for a number of already prosperous industries, from paper production to fuel.

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The Perks of Percs: Modern Bong Design

Updated on July 19th 2023
Assorted sizes of percolater bongs by ROOR in glass display case

As cannabis legalization continues to sweep the US and the world by storm, a surrounding market for ways to consume cannabis has continued to emerge from the woodwork of the underground and underappreciated, and into the spotlight of mainstream marketing. As a result, a surprising number of innovative new devices continue to appear in the realm of water pipe designs. It’s pretty sweet.

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The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission

The last few decades have seen an impressive rise in the investigation of cannabis’s potential for medicinal value as well as it’s suspected potential for abuse. Given the thousands of years that cannabis has been in the human pharmacopoeia, however, it isn’t surprising that the debate about the plant’s influence has been of major interest to politicians before. The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission was set up by the British Empire over one hundred and twenty years ago to assess the then-popular concern about the herb’s proliferate use among all classes of Indian society, who’s ancient and wide-spread social incorporation of the plant seemed to pose a possible threat to the stability of British imperial rule.

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How To Roll The Perfect Joint

Three adjacent photos of ground herb on rolling papers

Here at 710 Pipes, we have every imaginable smoking product and accessory. Our Northglenn and Denver smoke shops (on Colfax and near D.U.) are packed with hundreds of quality vaporizersa>, pipes, water pipes, hookahs and so much more. Still, sometimes it’s refreshing to go back to basics by rolling up a little paper. We recently reviewed the different types of rolling papers and the biggest advantages of each. But once you’ve bought your papers – then what? There are three basic categories of rolled cannabis: spliffs, joints, and blunts. Even the newest smoker on the block has usually heard these names dropped in passing, but the divisions between the three groups can get a little hazey. First, we’ll go over the basics of each category, and the pros and cons to each type. Then, follow our seasoned smoke shop expert’s step-by-step instructions to roll the perfect joint.

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Indica Versus Sativa: What’s in A Name?

The cannabis legalization movement has spread like wildfire across the globe, and as a consequence, novice smokers and aficionados alike have been introduced to a staggering cornucopia of seemingly endless varieties of the plant and the pipes and rolling papers that allow for its consumption. Names like Bubba Kush and Girl Scout Cookies adorn reefer labels and can understandably confuse anyone not well-versed in the lingo. Today we’ll check out the meaning behind these names and why specific strains never seem to stick around for too long, no matter how in vogue.

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E-Nails? The Future of Dabbing Is Here

The continuing boom of Cannabis’s popularity and acceptance has bred a number of revolutions in the surrounding marketplace. One novel invention that was born in the midst of this fervor is the Electronic Nail, or E-Nail for short. This device comes in a number of incarnations, but all have a singular goal in mind: the perfection of vaporizing Cannabis concentrates at precision temperatures.

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Update: Initiative 300 Denver Approves Second Business for Public Consumption

A few months ago, on 710Pipes we had an article on a groundbreaking proposition that Denver voters passed into action in late 2016. It was called Initiative 300 and it allowed – for the first time ever in US history – a chance for businesses to apply for temporary licenses that would permit public consumption of cannabis in established venues like bars and restaurants. The electoral victory was celebrated enthusiastically by the populous city’s voters, but legislators weren’t satisfied with the outcome. What followed the election was a new series of red tape and publicity stunts that would practically confine the new experiment to only one successful business. Until now.

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Cannabis Versus Alcohol: Is There A Healthier Vice?

Cannabis and alcohol both have been used by practically every culture for millennia. Both occur naturally without intervention and have played prominent roles is just about every facet of human society at one time or another: from their appreciable roles in scientific innovations to religious practices across the globe. Both have a strong capacity for altering consciousness, but is one of them quantifiably more dangerous than the other? Let’s take a look and find out.

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Just What Is CBD? It’s Great, and You Should Have It in Your Life

Legislators have recently started to try and regulate this awesome compound – but what is it exactly? CBD is short for Cannabidiol, one of about 80 naturally occurring molecular compounds exclusive to Hemp and Cannabis plants. It is non-psychotropic, meaning it doesn’t produce any of the intoxicating effects usually associated with Cannabis. It does, however, help treat a tremendous range of medical conditions from inflammation to Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy and PTSD. In recent years CBD has become a fascination of medical studies and legislators alike – but individuals struggling with a myriad of health problems are the ones who bear the burden of floundering legal policies. Craziest of all: for the first time, it seems, the government has patented a plant.

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First of The Kind: Denver’s Emergence Into Public Cannabis Consumption

Late in 2016, Denver, CO became the first city in the United States to approve the consumption of Cannabis in public areas with the passing of a four-year pilot program called Initiative 300. Over 300,000 citizens rolled in – many procrastinating until the final hours (can’t say I’m surprised) – skewing polling results projected during the election. The polls are in – and tourists and renters alike are now celebrating in specifically-allocated venues – but the new laws didn’t come without some opposition and a few guidelines to follow.

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Tobacco Collectibles and The Perfect Tobacco Pipe

Tobacco has played an important role in the history of the United States. From the Colonial plantations that allowed American trade to prosper, to the decades where doctors would prescribe tobacco for weight loss, the plant has proliferated in popularity and remains a major aspect of society today. Artifacts that celebrate this extensive and interesting history are now in vogue, and demand top dollar by tobacco enthusiasts and antique collectors alike.

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Getting the Most Flavor Out of Your Herb: The Grinder Debate and Modern Smoking Devices

Cannabis culture has come such a long way since the sixties. So much so that modern pot smokers speak more like wine snobs than the seedy stereotypes portrayed in movies and TV. In-store dispensary discussions often revolve just as much around the flavor profile of Cannabis products as the effects. As a result, the glass pipe industry has come up with countless innovations to improve the quality of your herb’s flavor – often times even borrowing designs from laboratory science. After a few decades of this growing demand we now have a sweeping array of clever pipe designs, and an exhibition to your local head shop is likely to blow your mind. We’ll take a look at some of these new innovations in smoking devices – and a few tips from our smoke shop professionals – to make your smoking experience delicious as possible.

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Finding the Right Dab Temperature & Best Banger For Your Buck

Light Blue Heady Glass Dab Rig by Denver Artist Coojo Glass Close Up of Light Blue Heady Glass Dab Rig by Denver's Coojo Glass

Today, if you go into a head shop just about anywhere you are bound to see one of these newer and complex devices. Whether you call it an oil rig, a dab rig, or a concentrate rig makes no difference as they are all the same thing. They were created as a more efficient way of delivering potent concentrated cannabis either in wax, oil, or butter form to the user. It gives you a cleaner more intense high as many of these concentrates rank around the 75-90th percentiles in potency. They have been a godsend to medical marijuana users and an essential piece of equipment for any cannabis consumer.

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Surprising Diseases Cured by Cannabis

For decades, healers, shamans, alternative practitioner and the like, have been prescribing cannabis to their patrons due to the well-known healing and restorative benefits. It hasn’t been until recent years that it has become more accepted in the mainstream medical fields today.

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History of Dab Rigs

Lime green bong in grassy field on sunny day

To those who have smoked herb for some time, the dab rig will look strangely familiar. It resembles the venerable bong, except that dab rigs are smaller and often feature more elaborate designs. The dab rig resembles the bong because form follows function and the function of the dab rig is the same as that of the bong: to filter (in this case) vapor through water to remove heat and impurities.

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History of Glass and Glass Pipes

Glass as we know it has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. There is so many things that we do in our day to day lives that wouldn’t be possible without it. For instance, waking up in the morning going into the kitchen, turning on the light, making yourself a cup of coffee and turning on your television to get the daily news while simultaneously checking your phone to see if you missed anything over night. If glass had never been invented this whole scenario would change.

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420 Celebrations – Local, National and World Wide

Updated on July 19th 2023

As every self-respecting stoner knows, the high holiday of cannabis culture takes place on the 20th of every April. Denver isn’t the only city with a variety of unique 4/20 events commemorating cannabis culture. In every state, country and continent, cannabis enthusiasts of every variety join together in celebration. Review our guide to discover nine next-level 4/20 events hosted locally and throughout the world.

Don’t feel like leaving the house to celebrate this year? No problem! Check out our team’s best ideas for celebrating 4/20 at home.

Denver hosts a variety of unique 4/20 events commemorating cannabis culture – and an extensive variety of events worldwide. Let’s explore nine recurring cannabis celebrations occurring locally and throughout the world.

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Where Did the Term 420 Come From?

Where 420 Began

The term 420 has been well known around the world for decades as the symbol for marijuana. How this term was coined has several different origin stories from it being the police code for pot, to some kind of symbolism for Hitler’s birthday, or for being teatime in Holland. However, none of these stories are actually true. It was coined by a small group of teenagers in the 70s.

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Choosing the Right Type of Vaporizer For You

Updated on November 12th, 2024

Have you been thinking about getting a vaporizer for your tobacco products? Maybe you’re trying to quit smoking and want to find a better solution for your nicotine fix. Maybe you’re tired of the stigma that’s been put on cigarettes and want to find a more healthier solution. Switching to a vaporizer versus cigarettes can also be a financial decision, with so many taxes placed on cigarettes the cost can be up to $10 a day; switching to a vaporizer can cut your yearly spending by nearly a third.

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Social Marijuana Consumption Initiative Status

For years now, Denver has been working on getting a vast community of businesses together where we can all socially enjoy our great buds with our great buds, together in a public setting. It’s been a long wait, but the movement has been gaining traction and within the next couple months a handful of businesses that have already applied for their license should be up and running and within a year (if everything goes as planned) there should be an exciting variety of locations where social consumption is allowed, encouraged, and the heart of their business. All good news; however, the road up to getting to this point has not been easy.

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Inaugural Post

Hello! Welcome to the very first post on the 710 Pipes blog! We’re excited to be bringing you weekly content and updates concerning the smoke shop industry, Colorado legal marijuana regulations, new vaporizers, innovative smoking products, and all the latest news and designs by the nation’s biggest glass artists. We hope that you find this a reliable resource for the Colorado headshop a counter culture industry which are at the forefront of change and innovation nationally.
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Four Items That Will Elevate Your Dabbing Experience

Resin on tip of silver dabbing toolLooking to up your dabbing game? No need to look up “smoke shops near me”- we don’t just have the goods, but we also have the advice!Dabbing might just have the most moving parts out of all smoking methods. There are so many ways to customize your experience. Ranging from your torch to your dab tool, everything can be upgraded!Instead of playing a guessing game, use this handy guide to light the path to better dabs. We know what we’re talking about!
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