710 Pipes Blog

Is Vaping a Better Alternative to Smoking?

The joint is an iconic symbol of cannabis consumption and is the most widely used method of delivery worldwide. In fact, it’s not even close. But are joints really the best way to enjoy weed or is there a better way? Do vaporizers, for instance, produce a better buzz and are they better for your overall health?Because marijuana is a natural product that does not contain the carcinogens and noxious chemicals added to cigarette tobacco it poses a much smaller risk to one’s health than smoking. Smaller, but not non-existent. You’re still breathing smoke into your lungs which, no matter how you spin it, is not an ideal situation.
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Our Smoke Shop’s Guide to the Perfect Bong Rip

Man lighting water pipe and inhaling smoke through mouthpieceA bong is maybe the most effective way yet devised to get wiped quickly. It provides you the ability to take monster hits, and because those hits are filtered through water, they’re nice and smooth. But what if you could stack a hit that was so big and potent that it would knock Godzilla back on his butt? Well, you can. It’s called a “bong rip” and in this article, your friends at the 710 Pipes head shop are going to explain how you can use glass pipes to create the perfect rip.
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Denver Flavor Ban: UPDATE

Update – July 2023: For up-to-date information on vaporizer-related policies in Denver and statewide, please visit the Public Health Law Center’s guide to Colorado e-cigarette regulations.

The Denver Flavor Ban Update

The Denver City Council met on Wednesday, October 6th 2021 to discuss the implementation of a flavored nicotine ban in the city and county of Denver. The meeting was full of heated discussion from both proponents and opponents of the measure. So, what’s next? Should we expect flavored nicotine products such as e-liquids, disposable vapes, and flavored cigarillos to disappear from the market? We’ve compiled the facts so you don’t have to! Read on the find out more.
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Covering Up the Smell of Weed: A Few Tricks

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Cannabis nuggets inside of open storage container on table

As a society, we’ve made some significant strides in the acceptance of cannabis in recent years. Still, pot is not legal everywhere, landlords tend to discourage the open use of marijuana by their tenants, and some people go apoplectic when they smell smoke of any kind.

As such, it can pay to know a few tricks that will enable you to cover the smell of weed so that you can enjoy a bowl without worrying about the dreaded “knock on the door”.

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A Short History of the Herb Vaporizer

Updated on November 12th, 2024
Vaping is associated with the 21st century to almost the same degree as digital technology. It’s a thoroughly modern phenomenon made possible by various subtle technological advances and anyone who tells you otherwise is just blowing vape clouds up your you-know-what. Or are they?Most anyone you ask in your local vape shop will be happy to tell you that the whole vape thing is a response to the rise of contemporary cannabis culture. But the truth is vaping has been with us for thousands of years. That doesn’t mean that the ancients had contemporary-looking vaporizers, but rather that they understood and practiced the art of vaporizing using a variety of low-tech methods.
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Seven Ways to Grind Without a Grinder

Cannabis nuggets, hand pipe and smoking accessories on table

You can’t just take whole buds, stuff them into the bowl of a bong and fire them up. Well, you can. They’re your buds and you can do what you want with them. However, if you want to get the most out of them you’ll need to process them a bit first so that you get a nice even burn and a clean, consistent smoke, and that means grinding.

Most cannabis aficionados have a grinder at the ready at all times. Or, at least they try to. But there are inevitably going to be times when you set up the bong, whip out the weed, reach for your grinder and realize you left it home, or you lent it to your friend who hasn’t returned it yet. There isn’t time to arrange a delivery from the online head shop, so what to do?

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The Denver Flavor Ban: What You Need To know

Update – July 2023: For up-to-date information on vaporizer-related policies in Denver and statewide, please visit the Public Health Law Center’s guide to Colorado e-cigarette regulations.
Ejuice selection on vape shop shelvesAfter years of advocacy by City Council Members and large organizations such as the American Heart Association, Denver City Council Members are now pushing for a ban on the sale of Flavored Nicotine Products, joining other cities around Colorado, like Aspen and Boulder. What comes next?
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Bong Vocab 101: A Crash Course

Person skimming "B" section of hardcover dictionary to learn new vocabulary

Every group eventually develops its own vocabulary. Whether people are involved in building trades, climbing, skateboarding, fashion design, politics, auto mechanics, weightlifting or weed there’s a vocabulary that both signals your group membership and facilitates discussion on whatever subject the community has coalesced around.

Bong aficionados are no different. If you walk into your local head shop in Denver and attempt to engage someone in a conversation about the latest heady glass on offer you’re going to find yourself scratching your head and trying to act like you understand if you don’t acquaint yourself with the vocab first. So that’s what we’re here to do. Provide you with a crash course on the basic bong vocabulary.

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How to Properly Store Your Vape Juice

Vape juice container in hand of adult vaporizer user

Whether you’re a vaping vet or an absolute beginner there’s one issue you can’t ignore: how to keep your vape juice fresh and enjoyable. Vape juice is pretty simple stuff, typically comprised of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, some type of flavoring (either natural or artificial) and, in some cases, nicotine.

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Putting Together The Ultimate Bong Collection

Updated on November 12th, 2024

For many people, the bong is the ultimate vehicle for enjoying their favorite herb. They’re easy to use, don’t require rolling, provide you with Olympic-level hits and are all the rage at parties. Not to mention that they also make good objects to zone out on after you’ve polished off a couple of bowls. But with so many different bongs on the market today it got those of us at your favorite online smoke shop to thinking: “Why have just one bong? Why not have different bongs for different occasions?” And so that’s what this article is all about: Putting together the ultimate bong collection. Enjoy.

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Glass Pipes vs Bongs: What’s Right for YOU?

Adjacent green and blue glass hand pipes by 710 Pipes

There are certain questions that have vexed even the smartest among us since the dawn of time: Where did we come from? What happens after we die? Which is better, a glass pipe or a bong? While we don’t have definitive answers to the first two questions, our status as purveyors of custom glass pipes and bongs positions us pretty well to try and tackle the third question.

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Why Not Cleaning Your Bongs and Pipes is a Bad Idea

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Water pipe base with residue and dirty bong water

Reasons to Keep Bongs and Pipes Clean

Built-Up Residue Increases Fire Risk

Besides being unsightly to look upon, accumulated residue can pose dangers for smokers. A significant amount of buildup may result in a fire when you cover up the carb, possibly burning your fingers and your mouth. This hazard is totally preventable if you watch what you’re doing.

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Ten Vape Juice Flavors That You Probably Haven’t Tried

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Customer holding black ejuice box beside shelves of vaporizers and accessories in vape shop

According to a 2022 survey by the Food and Drug Administration, nearly 85% of vaporizer users prefer flavored e-cigarettes to unflavored alternatives. This overwhelming majority didn’t go unnoticed – leading vape manufacturers and vape shops alike are continually working to provide customers with new and innovative ejuice options. In short, they’ve been able to reproduce just about every you can imagine in a break-neck effort to win over the most loyal buyers possible. That being said, there are probably several flavors and brands you haven’t tried at your local vape shop.

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Five Myths Associated with Buying from an Online Smoke Shop

Updated on July 19th 2023
Online shopper using credit card and laptop to order products

Chances are, if you’ve smoked using a bong, you’ve also called it – or heard others call it – a water pipe. Same thing, both names a longstanding part of smoking culture. Call it what you will, it’s one of the most commonly used smoking implements amongst cannabis aficionados and has been since its humble 16th century birth in China the waning days of the Ming Dynasty.

A classic bong is made of different materials, like acrylic and glass. It entails an open pipe that’s fixed to a water chamber. An inlet is linked to the chamber allowing you to breathe in the tasty smoke. When the dried herb of choice is set and lit inside the bong’s bowl, the smoke cools and filters through the clean water before it is inhaled.

Why buy a bong from an online smoke shop? Because they’re reliable and practical smoking implements and a reputable online retailer won’t steer you wrong. Unlike other devices, a bong doesn’t need a rechargeable battery to work. Another big reason? The water inside the bong processes the smoke initially, eliminating impurities before you take a hit. Many people say hits are stronger and smoother, perfect for long sessions. Finally, it’s easy to clean and use.

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23 Fast Facts About Vaping From Our Vape Shop Team

Vaporizer Mod with Gothic Exterior Design on Outdoor Table

Vaporizer use has gradually increased in popularity throughout the past decade. With more and more of our peers choosing to purchase disposable vaporizers each year, it’s natural to be curious about the increasingly popular habit. 710 Pipes has crunched the numbers on e-cigarette use and put together a guide to the latest statistics on vaporizer use in the United States and worldwide. Explore the top reasons for vaping, money spent on vape products, the makeup of vape users and more in the fast facts our vape shop team has compiled below.

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25 Fast Facts About Cannabis in the U.S. and Worldwide

Cannabis leaf in hand of smoker against purple background

Colorado and Washington made history in 2012 as the first two American states to legalize cannabis for adult recreational use. Less than a decade later, the cannabis industry is considered the fastest-growing field in the nation. The industry has flourished in recent years with an outcropping of exciting job prospects, higher education coursework and rapidly growing rates of support among bipartisan American voters. How has public perception and use of cannabis shifted in the past few years? Who’s lighting up their heady glass water pipe most often from coast to coast? Our smoke shop team’s here to break down any details that remain a little hazy. Learn the basic findings of the latest available cannabis industry research with the following twenty-five fast facts about cannabis in 2021.

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Jobs for 2023 Graduates in the Booming Cannabis Industry

Updated on July 19th 2023
Cannabis leaf and gummy cannabis edibles superimposed beside celebratory graduation ballonCongratulations to the high school and college graduating class of 2023! Finally tossing that graduation cap – live or through a COVID-era virtual ceremony – is one of life’s greatest milestones and among the best reasons to celebrate. Now’s the perfect time to treat yourself to a heady glass purchase and a fun night out (or night in).According to research from the University of Washington, the average college graduate takes an estimated three to six months to find a job after getting their degree. As the dust begins to settle around your freshly-framed diploma, you may find yourself starting to wonder where to go from here. According to recent research, an increasing number of Americans are choosing careers in the cannabis industry.
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Six Core Components of Your Vaporizer’s Hardware

 There have never been more ways to consume your favorite legal herb than there are today. Our Denver-area head shops alone keep thousands of smoking and vaporizing devices in stock – including heady glass water pipes, hookahs, chillums, smart rigs and everything in between. Vaping has become an increasingly common way to consume cannabis, nicotine, and CBD in the recent past. As of one widespread Gallup poll in 2018, one in five American adults under the age of thirty claim to use vape products. Whether you were the first to join the vaping craze, or you’re considering a switch from cigarettes, it helps to have a clear understanding of how vaporizers work. Learn (or refresh your memory on) the basic anatomy of your vaporizer with our simple explanations of these six vape hardware staples.
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Fantastic 4/20 Events to Safely Enjoy At Home in 2021

"4:20 PM" displayed as time on retro neon-pink digital alarm clock

It’s that time of year again, smoke shop lovers – and once again, COVID-19 has put an end to the perfect party plans we’d dreamed about in quarantine. We’d all hoped that the pandemic would have ended by now for so many reasons, both big and small. From crucial concerns for our loved ones health and safety to fleeting irritation from an itchy mask, it’s been a uniquely difficult year in more ways than we could count. Health-conscious individuals everywhere have collectively done everything in our power to slow the curve in our communities with a significant spike in the choice to work remotely, attend school virtually and shop at online stores from home whenever possible. These adaptations have all helped us to continue building enriching lives and make ends meet while minimizing our impact on public health. We’ve also seen a surge in virtual events and creative ways to stay connected with friends and family through remote forms of socialization.

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New Dry Herb Vaporizer? Here’s How to Use It

There’s no shortage of dry herb vaporizers on the market today. If you stop by our Denver or Northglenn head shop locations, or browse our online smoke shop‘s selection, you’ll find top-quality models from Pax, Storz and Bickel, Dr. Dabber and other leading brands. With such a wide range of vaporizers available for sale, you can easily find the perfect option for your unique preferences on size, shape, heat settings and more. While the selection of dry herb vaporizers is extensive, most devices are strikingly similar in the way they function. If you’re new to the smoke shop scene – or just to this method of consuming your favorite herb – follow these steps to properly load and enjoy your dry herb vaporizer.
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Grinders Guide: Types, Cleaning Options & Maintenance Tips

Updated on May 28th 2024
Grinding cannabis in aluminum grinder on multicolored rolling tray

As you mature and become a more sophisticated consumer of cannabis you are going to drop some practices and pick up on others. One of the things almost everyone eventually gravitates to is the grinder. The marijuana grinder can make a big difference in the quality of your experience while at the same time cutting prep time dramatically and eliminating the need to wash your hands so much (if you grind with your hands, like a lot of folks do). In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver answer some of the most common questions our customers have about grinding weed.

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Four Big Differences Between Bongs and Dab Rigs

Heady glass 10mm dab rig on glass countertop of 710 Pipes' Denver, CO smoke shop location

PICTURED: 10mm Heady Glass Dab Rig by Liquid Glass Arts at 710 Pipes Smoke Shop

Anyone who has stopped by our Northglenn or Denver smoke shops knows that we stock thousands of heady glass pieces – including hundreds of locally-made bongs and dab rigs. Still, many smoke shop visitors may still be wondering – what’s the difference between the two? Before making your next purchase, review these four key factors separating bongs from dab rigs to determine which type of smoking device is best suited to your preferences.

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Four Ways to Keep Your Bongs from Breaking

Little can compare to the undying love a cannabis smoker has for their favorite bong. Some stay loyal to the very first piece they purchase, enjoying the rush of memories bubbling up with every hit. Others give their heart to their top-shelf piece, won over by its impressive impact, unusually smooth hits, or intricate design. Regardless, we’ll all do whatever we can to extend the years we share with our favorite pieces and to keep them safe from harm. Water pipes and other heady glass smoking devices can unfortunately be damaged quite easily, or even shattered beyond repair, from a single fall to the floor. How can we keep our favorite bongs – and our stoner hearts – from breaking? The following four practices can go a long way toward keeping water pipes safe from harm.

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Five Common Myths About Online Smoke Shops

Updated on July 19th 2023
Animation of five question marks in assorted colors on white background

In 2020, 710 Pipes launched our online smoke shop, making hundreds of our best products available for online purchase to adult customers throughout the United States. With this transition, we’ve been approached with a range of questions from a variety of curious customers about the pros and cons of online purchasing – including first-time visitors dipping their toe into the smoke shop scene and longtime, regular customers alike. It’s come to our attention that a few major myths about online smoke shops are surprisingly common today. Today’s online smoke shop guide is here to address five common misconceptions about online smoke shops – and to set the record straight once and for all about this increasingly popular way to purchase smoking devices, accessories and more.

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The Essential Guide to Nectar Collectors

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Whether you’re exclusively a fan of oils or just dabble in dabbing wax, you owe it to yourself to make the most of every dabbing session. One foolproof way to maximize the impact of every hit is with the use of your number one nectar collector. Not familiar with this popular dabbing tool – or a little hazy about the product’s purpose? We’ve got you covered in the following guide. Our smoke shop team breaks down the fundamentals of nectar collectors below – including an overview of what they are, the story behind their origin, and the biggest reasons to snag a few nectar collectors ASAP from our online smoke shop or Denver-area locations.

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Seven Water Pipe Styles and Their Biggest Advantages

Heady glass recycler bong sold by 710 Pipes online smoke shop in gloved hand against red background

Stemmed Bongs vs. Stemless Bongs: Which is Better?

Pros and Cons of Stemless Bongs

Sleek Design: Stemless bongs are known for their sleek and minimalist design. This design not only looks modern but also reduces drag during use, leading to a smoother smoking experience.Maintenance: Stemless bongs can be more challenging to clean thoroughly, especially if they have intricate internal structures. Residue buildup can affect the performance and taste over time.
Convenience: Without a stem, there is no need for additional clips to keep it in place. This simplifies the setup and usage process.Replacement Issues: If a stemless bong becomes clogged or broken, it often means replacing the entire unit, which can be more costly compared to replacing just the stem in a stemmed bong.
Aesthetic Appeal: Many users are drawn to the aesthetic appeal of stemless bongs. Their clean lines and modern look make them a popular choice for those who value style as well as functionality.Limited Customization: Unlike stemmed bongs, stemless bongs offer limited customization options. Users cannot easily switch out percolators or other components to alter their smoking experience.

Pros and Cons of Stemmed Bongs

Replaceable Components: One of the main benefits of stemmed bongs is that the downstem can be replaced independently if it breaks. This is a cost-effective solution compared to replacing the entire bong.Measurement Challenges: Accurate measurement of the downstem is crucial when replacing it. Without proper measurement, finding the right size can be difficult and frustrating.
Customization: Stemmed bongs offer a high degree of customization. Users can choose from a variety of percolators, such as slitted, tree, or honeycomb percolators, to enhance their smoking experience.Cost of Replacements: Although the stem is replaceable, the cost of high-quality downstems can add up over time, especially for those who prefer frequent replacements or upgrades.
Durability: With a removable stem, there is a reduced risk of the entire bong breaking if the stem is mishandled. This modular design can be more forgiving in the event of accidents.

Beaker Bongs

This style of water pipe, commonly known as the “beaker bong,” is named for its resemblance to the essential laboratory tool. Beaker bongs traditionally have wide bases. This means that they’re able to generate quite a bit of smoke – more than those with more narrow structures. This structure also makes them harder to knock over, meaning they’re an excellent choice to leave on your coffee table without worrying too much about breaks from the slightest bump. If structural stability is a major selling point for you, round base bongs with other shapes may be another good choice to consider.

Pros and Cons of Beaker Bongs

Stability: The broad base offers excellent stability, making it less likely to tip over.Bulkiness: Their size can make them less portable and harder to store.
Smoke Volume: The large water chamber enables bigger, cooler hits.Cleaning: The wide base can be challenging to clean thoroughly.
Ease of Use: Simple design makes it easy to operate.Fragility: Glass bongs are prone to breakage if not handled carefully.

Bubbler Bongs

Bubblers are a hybrid between a bong and a pipe, offering the portability of a hand pipe with the water filtration of a bong. They are generally smaller, making them easy to carry around. Bubblers come in various designs, often with intricate artistry.

Pros and Cons of Bubbler Bongs

Portability: Compact and easy to transport.Limited Smoke Volume: Smaller size means less smoke capacity.
Smooth Hits: Water filtration provides smoother hits compared to dry pipes.Maintenance: Cleaning can be difficult due to compact design.
Versatility: Can be used with or without water.Fragility: Often made of glass, making them delicate.

Faberge Egg Bongs

Are you familiar with the decorative jewel-lined eggs lining the mantles and shelves of many a grandparent? Or is that just me? Regardless, ornate jeweled Faberge eggs were once a staple of Russian culture, and they collide with stoner culture in this namesake water pipe style. They’re often considered high-end pieces due to their artistic value. The egg-shaped percolator within each Faberge egg bong provides excellent smoke diffusion. They also work well alongside other percolators, which give the bubbles more space and gives users extra smooth hits.

Pros and Cons of Fabergé Egg Bongs

Smoothness: Exceptional smoke diffusion for smooth hits.Fragility: Complex design makes them more susceptible to breakage.
Aesthetic Appeal: Beautiful, artistic designs.Cost: Generally more expensive due to craftsmanship.
High Performance: Efficient percolation process.Cleaning: Intricate designs can be hard to clean.

Percolator Bongs

These bongs usually have two or more percolators, setting them apart in appearance from more simplistic water pipe designs. These pieces have multiple slits within each percolator, which helps to effectively diffuse smoke with every hit. Percolator bongs come in various types – including tree, honeycomb, and showerhead percolators – each offering different filtration benefits. With scientific glass used for almost every percolator water pipe, smokers can watch as the smoke builds inside, which is beneficial for gauging the size of your hit and enjoyable from a purely aesthetic stance.

Pros and Cons of Percolator Bongs

Superior Filtration: Multiple percolators ensure better smoke cooling and filtration.Cleaning Complexity: Multiple chambers make cleaning more difficult.
Smoother Hits: Breaks down smoke into finer bubbles for smoother inhalation.Cost: Advanced design can be more expensive.
Variety: Available in numerous designs and percolator types.Maintenance: Requires careful handling to avoid clogging.

Recycler Bongs

The one-of-a-kind style of recycler bongs include multiple chambers – processing each hit through a percolator and a larger water chamber before it reaches your lungs. Many recyclers are built with one chamber inside of another. These features maximize the smoothness of every hit with an economical use of space.

Pros and Cons of Recycler Bongs

Maximum Smoothness: Continuous recycling of smoke and water provides unparalleled smoothness.Cleaning Difficulty: Complex internal structure can be challenging to clean.
Efficient Design: Compact yet highly functional.Potential Breakage: Multiple chambers increase the risk of damage.
Aesthetically Pleasing: Watching the recycling process can be enjoyable.Higher Cost: Often more expensive due to intricate design.
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Straight Tube Bongs

If asked to close your eyes and picture a bong, I’d bet that straight tube bongs would come to mind for most of us. These pieces are arguably the most traditional water pipe option. Straight tube bongs are characterized by their simple, cylindrical shape that runs from the base to the mouthpiece. They are straightforward in design and operation, making them ideal for beginners. Their direct smoke path allows for quick and easy hits.

Pros and Cons of Straight Tube Bongs

Simplicity: Easy to use and clean.Less Filtration: Simpler design may offer less smoke filtration.
Quick Clearing: Direct path allows for quick clearing of smoke.Stability Issues: Narrow base can make them prone to tipping.
Affordability: Generally less expensive than more complex designs.Basic Aesthetics: Less visually interesting compared to other styles.

Zig Zag Bongs

Zig zag bongs, also known as Zongs, feature a distinctive zigzag shape in the neck, which not only adds a unique aesthetic but also serves functional purposes. Some pieces in this category have a single bend in their neck, while others are shaped more complexly. By lengthening the pathway from your herb, zig zag bongs also offer impressively smooth hits as compared to bongs straighter structures.

Pros and Cons of Zig Zag Bongs

Splash Protection: Zigzag design helps prevent water from reaching the mouthpiece.Cleaning Challenges: The intricate shape can be harder to clean thoroughly.
Cooler Smoke: The bends in the neck allow the smoke to cool before inhalation.Potential for Breakage: The angles and curves can be fragile.
Unique Look: Visually appealing and stands out from traditional designs.Stability: May be less stable due to the uneven design.
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Each bong style has its unique pros and cons, from the stability of beaker bongs to the portability of bubblers and the smooth hits of Fabergé egg and percolator bongs. Recycler bongs maximize smoothness but are harder to clean, while straight tube bongs are simple and quick to clear but may lack filtration. Zig zag bongs prevent splashback but can be challenging to clean and fragile. Consider these factors to choose the bong that best fits your needs and preferences.

For more detailed insights, you can refer to the full article here.

710 Pipes Studios – Live Glass Blowing

710 Pipes Studios is the latest addition to the 710 Pipes family. Featured at our Northglenn, CO smoke shop location, 710 Pipes Studios sits adjacent to the sales floor with large glass windows for public viewing. Our resident artist, HoneyBadgerGlassworx, is on the torch Wednesday – Sunday crafting hand pipes, dab rigs, accessories and more. Local artists are always welcome and are featured in demonstrations depending on availability, so be sure to keep an eye on our Instagram page @710Pipes for updates on the schedule. Check out the pictures below for a peak inside of the studio!

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Six States Likely to Legalize Cannabis in 2021

Updated on July 19th 2023

To learn the outcomes of the cannabis legalization measures discussed below, review the following summary of the 2021 election results.

Man holding cannabis leaf toward rising sun

We’ve heard 2020 described as “unprecedented” since the onset of the pandemic sent us lurching forward, ready or not, into an uncharted chapter of human history. While many record-breaking, unfamiliar and otherwise unexpected circumstances of the past year weren’t exactly positive, there were still a few wins worth celebrating. This is especially for the cannabis legalization movement. Last November, four U.S. states – Arizona, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota – voted to legalize cannabis for recreational adult use. A fifth state – Mississippi – legalized cannabis as a treatment option for approved medical conditions. This means that thirty-six states and the District of Colombia have now legalized medical marijuana, with sixteen of these legally granting adult residents aged twenty-one and older the right to recreational use.

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Glass Blowing 101: All Of The Terms You Need To Know

Glass blowing is, and always will be, considered a true art form. Glass is an incredibly versatile material, and can be formed for nearly any function imaginable– especially when in the hands of an experienced glass blower. For a beginner, learning the terminology is usually task #1 to becoming a reputable artist. Read more below for a rundown from our smoke shop team on all of the terms you need to know!
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Four Effective Filtration Methods for Better Bong Hits

Woman Holding Glass Water Pipe and Exhaling Smoke from Filtered Bong Hit in Field Surrounded by Daisies

Even on the best of days, we’re only human. The need to occasionally clear our throats or cough when they get irritated wouldn’t usually make most of us think twice. However, with flu season 2020 rapidly descending and the second wave of an unprecedented global pandemic steadily rising in its impact, a cough or two can be enough to make us panic – if only for a second or two. Regular consumers of legal herb may have made peace with the “smoker’s cough” some time ago, but even minor extra throat sounds can make fellow grocery shoppers shoot daggers from their six-foot distance and lurch backwards lest we have the plague.

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Quartz Inserts 101: Biggest Benefits and Best Techniques

Long Island Tree of Life Quartz Banger with Engravings on Wood Base

If you’re passionate about dabbing, it’s not enough to have a standard setup. You want your own custom dab rig. Something where every element has been hand picked to fit your own wants and needs. The year is 2020, almost 2021, and customization is the name of the game. What game? You’re playing it.

Enter: quartz inserts. Inserts essentially help distribute and retain heat by adding weight and surface area, not to mention improving flavor. All you have to do is just drop it in. In today’s guide, our online smoke shop team explains the biggest benefits of quartz inserts and our recommendations on how to use them.

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Dry Pipes vs. Water Pipes

Adjacent photos of an orange dry pipe and orange water pipe sold in our online smoke shop

Dry Pipes vs. water pipes: a debate of the ages. Two wings on a bird that is not a bird but actually a pipe. Smoke shop fans have likely tried their hand at both, and most others have likely seen each type in passing – but what’s the difference between the two? Which one is best for you? If your collection includes a combination, which should you use when? Our online head shop team is here to answer these questions and more in today’s review of their key components and differences. So dawn your red hat and say “itsa me,” cause we’re about to talk so much about pipes, you’ll think you’re Mario.

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Four Important Reasons to Keep Your Water Pipes Clean

Smoker Washes Hands in Soapy Water After Cleaning Residue from Favorite Hand PipeThe ongoing coronavirus pandemic has even the messiest cannabis smokers taking a second glance at their water pipes and smart rigs. More than ever before, our lives may depend on the length of our hand-washing sessions, coverage of our mouths and stringent sanitization of common surfaces. The good old days of “puff, puff pass” as the recommended practice are now officially behind us – do your friends a favor and keep the blunt to yourself this year.
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Twenty-Two Smoke Shop Terms to Know

Before making your next selection in our online smoke shop or any other store, it’s important to fully understand your options. With hundreds of our best pipes, water pipes and accessories available for online order – and thousands for sale from our Denver-area locations – that’s no small feat. Unless you’re an industry professional, reaching fluency in head shop lingo can be easier said than done. Our team is happy to answer every question you may have when you stop into our local smoke shops, but that’s not too helpful after business hours if you’re looking to buy online right away.

If you’re new to the smoke shop scene, or a little hazy on the latest lingo, fear not. Our smoke shop writers are here to help with our online guide to smoke shop terminology with quick explanations of these twenty-two common phrases.

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Six Types of Accessories Sold Online by 710 Pipes

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Handmade locally blown Moxie Glass carb caps in assorted colors in 710 Pipes' online smoke shop

710 Pipes is known for our exceptional smoking devices like dab rigs, hookahs, and water pipes. We carry hundreds of heady glass pieces available for sale in our online smoke shop, and thousands in our Denver and Northglenn pipe shop locations. We also have smart rigs and vaporizer products to meet every preference and price range. While these types of products may be our best-known options, they’re certainly not all we carry. If you’re in the market for smoke shop accessories, we have you covered with a range of options available on-site and online. Today’s guide explores our online smoke shop’s most popular accessory categories.

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What’s a Grinder and Why Do I Need One?

Assorted Colors of acrylic beamer-brand grinders for sale from 710 Pipes online head shopWhether you’re new to the smoke shop scene or you’ve been around the block for decades, you’re likely aware of the variety of options from one smoking session to the next. Some prefer to imbibe their favorite legal herb through water pipes, while others swear by concentrates and smart rigs. Many smokers stick with the simple pleasure of a well-rolled joint. No matter how you smoke it, the impact felt from any particular herb can vary significantly depending on the way it’s imbibed. As so many of our seasoned smoke-shop regulars will tell you, a quality grinder is essential for any self-respecting smoker, and it’ll boost the quality of any smoking session.What exactly is a grinder – and why do you need one? We’ll break it down for you (just this once).
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Six Stunning Pop-Culture Pieces from 710 Pipes

Our local smoke shops carry thousands of quality devices for smoking, dabbing and vaping – from the simplest chillums and wraps to the decked-out dab rigs of your dreams. While many of our hand pipes, water pipes, hookahs and more stick to traditional formations, others push the boundaries into embodiments of all kinds of treasured symbols. From comic book icons to fearsome sea creatures, the sky is truly the limit when it comes to the talented pieces local glassblowers have brought our way. Get a taste of our latest treasures with these five unique glass pieces inspired by pop culture – all available for sale (along with hundreds more quality products) from 710 Pipes’ online smoke shop.
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Silicone Essentials Under $100

Heady glass hand pipes and water pipes are revered for their exceptional beauty and intricate custom features. With stunning aesthetic appeal and extensive variation, there’s so much to appreciate about high-end heady glass. The biggest drawback to works of art like these is their relative breakability. After investing hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars on the glass piece of your dreams, it’s only natural to want to use it all the time. However, a single drop can shatter your prized possession and render it totally useless. Don’t get us wrong – heady glass is worth every penny. However, if you’re not known for your steady hand or grace on your feet, you may welcome a break from the worries about breaking your device.Silicone hand pipes and water pipes have many advantages – chief among these is their limitless durability. With simplistic builds and affordable prices, these pieces boast impressive quality and durability – holding their own among high-end alternatives in terms of quality, function and form. If you need a break from your daily worries, a break-proof hand pipe or water pipe could be exactly what you need.
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Ultimate Buyer’s Guide: Types of Pipes, Vapes and Papers

Updated on November 12th, 2024
Here at 710 Pipes, we offer every type of smoking product. From heady glass bongs and pipes to vaporizers and rolling papers, you’ll find everything you’re looking for in our online smoke shop and two Denver-area stores.

Whether you’re a longtime smoke shop lover or you’re new to the scene, you’ve likely been curious about the various modes of consumption available for use. Walking into a smoke shop with thousands of options can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Thankfully, our seasoned industry experts have the intel on different types of glass pipes, wraps and vaporizers.
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How is Heady Glass Made?

Updated on November 12th, 2024
If you’re a smoke shop regular, you’re likely to appreciate the art of well-crafted heady glass pieces. It’s impossible not to respect the intricacy and vision in exceptional glass pieces by talented glassblowers on the market today. When you’re marveling at the works of Denver legends like Hedman Headies, Mycomann, 2 Kind Glass and more, you may find yourself wondering exactly how these works of art are made. Today’s article takes a closer look at the process of heady glass creation with a step-by-step review of the standard glassblowing process.
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The Future of Dabbing – Five of Today’s Best Smart Rigs

Updated on July 19th 2023
Kromedome glass smart dab rigs and charger on TabletopThe continuing boom of Cannabis’s popularity and acceptance has bred a number of revolutions in the surrounding marketplace. One novel invention that was born in the midst of this fervor is the Electronic Nail, or E-Nail for short. This device comes in a number of incarnations, but all have a singular goal in mind: the perfection of vaporizing cannabis concentrates at precision temperatures.
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Five Top PuffCo Vaporizers and Accessories

Updated on January 18th 2025
PuffCo Peak Smart eRig in outstretched hand of smoke shop customer.

PuffCo products are beloved by vape shop fans across the nation for so many reasons. Their durable, advanced and intuitive products feature the best settings in every essential aspect. 710 Pipes is proud to sell PuffCo devices and other cutting-edge smart rigs in our online head shop and Denver-area stores.

Learn more about five popular PuffCo products below – or head to our online smoke shop to purchase your own right away.

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What The Kids Are Calling It: 56 Creative Terms for Cannabis

Updated on July 19th 2023
Slang words for "cannabis" forming shape of a cannabis leafIn our last article, we discussed the origin and controversy surrounding the word “marijuana” as compared to the scientific term “cannabis.” If neither term feels quite right, don’t worry. Our writers delved deep into every source on slang this week to bring you fifty-five unusual terms for cannabis, with brief explanations of each. You’re sure to find your new favorite name for your favorite plant below.
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What’s In a Name? Cannabis vs. Marijuana

Phone displaying online dictionary definition of "cannabis," resting on paper dictionary turned to definition of "marijuana"The American cannabis industry is rapidly growing and evolving with every passing year. With the increased popularity and policy changes surrounding the plant, a number of controversies have also arisen. How much testing do we need before legalizing each form of cannabis? What should the legal age be? Is state-by-state legalization enough, or is Federal legalization an essential step?
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Five Top Cities for Cannabis Culture Tourism

Updated on July 19th 2023
Volkswagon van driving down dusty road at sunset on road trip toward popular cannabis culture destination

It’s no secret that the legal status of cannabis and CBD vary significantly from state to state. Colorado was the first to allow the possession of cannabis for adults above age 21, and establish a regulatory structure for the sale of recreational weed. Today, thirty-three states allow cannabis for medical use with a valid MMJ card. A third of those have also legalized the possession of cannabis for recreational adult use – with ten more states following Colorado’s lead in the past twelve years.

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Study Suggests Some Cannabis Strains May Help Combat COVID-19

Gloved scientist holds flask while studying coronavirus

The World Health Organization first announced Coronavirus, or COVID-19, as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30th of this year. As of March 11th, coronavirus has been classified as an international pandemic. Over the past few months, the virus has devastated communities across the globe and claimed more than 330,000 lives to date – and its tragic toll is continually rising.

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Top Eight Reasons to Switch to Vaping

Woman facing away from camera and exhaling vaporizer cloud

Vaporizers debuted on the market in 2003 and have gradually increased in popularity since their introduction. Today, vaporizers have become a popular commodity throughout the nation and abroad. Millions of former cigarette smokers have made the switch to vaporizer devices, citing a variety of reasons for their change. However, when asked about the favorite attributes that vape pens have to offer, a few popular selling points emerge. Today’s article brings you the eight biggest reasons to consider making the switch from cigarettes to vaporizers yourself.

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Montana’s Fight to Legalize Recreational Cannabis

Updated on July 19th 2023
Hand placing finished ballot into Montana ballot box

Understandably, COVID-19 complicated the process of legalizing cannabis for states that have yet to do so. While more than two thirds of American States legalized the sale and use of cannabis for medicinal and/or recreational purposes before the pandemic’s onset, other states were slower to reach this milestone. Many advocates remained undeterred by obstacles to the legalization process. Unfortunately, social distancing created unprecedented barriers which undoubtedly complicated the road to cannabis legalization for many U.S. states. Cannabis-related campaigns stalled or stopped altogether in many locations stalled or stopped altogether in the months preceding 2020’s election – including those in Idaho, Ohio, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Nebraska. Advocates in these affected areas announced their resolution to continue legalization efforts in 2021. Other states weren’t so easily deterred by the unexpected virus – including the historically right-leaning state of Montana, where advocates continued working tirelessly toward cannabis legalization in the coming year.

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Five Things to Consider When Buying Your Next Hookah

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Glass Hookah Pipes Sold at 710 Pipes

Cannabis isn’t the only legal herb beloved by countless American adults. There are so many reasons to love hookah and shisha products. As we explored in an earlier article on the History of the modern bong, hookah pipes originated in Ming Dynasty China more than a thousand years ago, and they’ve been a source of relaxation and enjoyment for nearly a thousand years since. Hookah bars are a popular venue to consume your favorite hookah and shisha products in the company of friends and fellow fans.

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Fun Ways To Spend 4/20 At Home

Updated on July 19th 2023

It’s 4/20, head shop lovers! Don’t feel like leaving the house today? No problem – there are plenty of ways to celebrate without going anywhere. Here are a few of our best ideas for an enjoyable high holiday at home.

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How Has Coronavirus Affected Colorado Cannabis Sales?

Animation of hand holding plastic bag with cannabis leafOn March 11th, COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization with approximately 118,000 confirmed cases and 4,300 deaths worldwide. Less than four weeks later, both totals have increased more than tenfold with over a million cases and 60,000 casualties in total. With confirmed cases of COVID-19 rising at a startling rate each day, communities around the globe have implemented significant changes in their economic and social structuring to help reduce the spread of the highly contagious virus.
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Cannabis Delivery Drone Development Underway in Washington

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked questions around the world of the best ways to slow the virus’s spread. With social isolation mandates implemented throughout the country, and more strictly enforced quarantines abroad, separation has proven to be an essential aspect in controlling the pandemic’s impact.The New York Times recently affirmed that Washington State has been hit exceptionally hard by the recent coronavirus outbreak. “As about 100 new patients have been identified each recent day in Washington State, officials there have scrambled to impose restrictions on public gatherings and slow the transmission rate.” With 85 total fatalities to date, more have died from coronavirus in Washington than any other state in the nation.
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COVID-19 and Cannabis: How Smokers Can Stay Safe

Stethoscope and Pill Bottle with Cannabis Nuggets InsideCoronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, was officially deemed a pandemic on Wednesday by the World Health Organization. The international outbreak of coronavirus has already claimed the lives of sixty Americans and more than 6,000 individuals around the world. The spread of COVID-19 has unduly affected some regions and high-risk demographics, but even lower-risk individuals have taken serious steps to reduce their odds of infection. Schools and workplaces across America have shut down indefinitely to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and individuals across the nation have begun self-quarantining, resulting in national shortages of high-demand supplies like water, soap, and toilet paper.
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MMJ Advocate Writes Children’s Book About Cannabis

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Title page for children's book 'What's Growing in Grandma's Garden?'

Susan Soares has served as a longtime local advocate within the cannabis community. She was asked a question about how to broach the subject of cannabis use to children when interviewed about the industry on The Woody Show. While Soares answered the question sufficiently, she’s since reflected on the discontent she felt with her response. This interview led her to the question of cannabis – and how we can most effectively broach the subject of its legal use with children throughout the United States. The changing regulatory standards surrounding cannabis and its medicinal value have increased the openness of its use for a variety of ailments, both physical and psychological. However, as any educator or parent knows, the way we speak to children has tremendous power in the ways we view the world around us. From that day forward, Soares set out to tackle the difficult subject: what’s the best way to talk about cannabis with our nation’s kids?

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Seven Strains With More Than Twenty Percent THC

Close-up of light green and brown nugget of cannabis

It’s hard to definitively state which strain of cannabis contains the very highest level of THC. The availability of strains and smoking devices have continually evolved for centuries. The preferences and practices of growers, the tastes of local consumers and the effects of regional climate on cannabis growth all shape the variety (and quality) of strains that are available today. The range of strains has only expanded since cannabis’ statewide recreational legalization in 2012, and the gradual rise of legalization in states across America, with new options cropping up year after year.

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Rolling Down The Road: The History of Tobacco and Rolling Papers

Frequent visitors of head shops like 710 Pipes tend to appreciate our mainstays, such as pipes, hookah products and rolling papers. While the love of smoking products permeates popular culture, very few of us are versed in the origins of the staples we rely upon today. We’ve reached deep into the past this week, exploring the respective journeys of tobacco and rolling papers to the popular forms we know and love.

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More Reasons Millennials Choose Cannabis Over Alcohol

Cannabis leaves and glass of red wine on white background

Millennials are defined as the generation born between 1981 and 1996 – putting them between the ages of 23 and 39. In the classic debate of cannabis versus alcohol, increasing numbers of millennials are declaring cannabis their favorite vice. Last week, we reviewed a few primary reasons for millennials’ increasing preference for cannabis as compared to alcohol. We’ve uncovered a few more major reasons this generation’s leaning toward pipe shops over pitchers.

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Why Do Millennials Prefer Cannabis to Alcohol?

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Cannabis leaf close-up beside martini class with splashing red alcohol and vegetable garnish

The “millennial” generation includes all individuals reaching young adulthood around the start of the 21st century. This has been narrowed to include those born between the years 1981 and 1996. In the classic debate of cannabis versus alcohol, increasing numbers of millennials are declaring cannabis their preferred vice. Studies have shown that millennials are embracing cannabis culture at higher rates than any prior generation. So what factors are making cannabis the frontrunner among young adults today? In today’s guide, 710 Pipes explores eight major reasons that this generation’s placing bongs ahead of beers.

Browse All Dab Rigs Now

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New Colorado Bill Could Ban Firing Someone Over Legal Cannabis Use

Fired man with box of desk contents and cannabis plant

Recreational cannabis use has been legal in Colorado for some time now. As far as the state of Colorado is concerned, cannabis and nicotine can both be legally consumed by adults above the age of 21. In other words, anything from a blunt to the PAX offerings of your favorite vape shop are totally permitted. Colorado law also says an employer can’t fire someone for things they do legally in the privacy of their own home, but there’s a loophole. Since cannabis is not yet legalized at a federal level, some employers argue that firing someone for off-duty smoking is still legal. State Representative Jovan Melton hopes to change that with a new bill.

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The Next Decade of CBD

'CBD Market Prodictions' and colored art of plants and Earth

The Nielsen Company is an American organization, specializing in data collection and measurement. With half a billion dollars in annual revenue, they lead the industry of market research firms in the United States. Nielsen works to amass data in a broad range of industries, and subsequently predict consumer trends we can expect to see in each. Recently, researchers at Nielsen released their predictions of what can be expected in the cannabis industry this decade. We’ve studied their predictions and put together their top predictions of changes in the decade to come.

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Five Expert Cannabis Industry Predictions for 2020

Updated on July 19th 2023
2020 written in green with cannabis nuggets in place of 0s

Increased Earnings in the Fourth Quarter

David Mukpo, COO of cannabis-industry brand tökr, predicts a thinning of the herd of marijuana-related brands – and a boost in fourth-quarter earnings among the top contenders of cannabis. “Through the early part of the year, some of the largest cannabis companies struggling will lead to marquee companies closing the door,” explains Mukpo. “As the field narrows, this will be offset by Q4 being the most optimistic time in Cannabis over the previous 24 months as the market factors begin to stabilize.”

Update (July 2023): Industry leader Aurora Cannabis reported a net revenue of $72.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 – a net profit reduction of approximately five percent compared to their third quarter.

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Hemp Industry Sees First Changes In Half Century

Animation of American flag and surrounding cannabis leaves

If you pay attention to Cannabis news you’ve probably noticed all of the excitement surrounding Mitch McConnell and the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill. As of this writing, the bill has yet to be signed, but all media accounts suggest no opposition and expect President Trump to push the new legislation into action within days. Similar or accompanying legislation, however, was passed in Colorado just months ago with Amendment X – that redefined Hemp back to its federal definition. Prior to that Colorado voters had redefined the industrial product with Amendment 64 just a few years prior.

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Researchers Sent Hemp and Coffee to Space in 2020

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Cannabis plant in corner of photo of Earth from space

UPDATE: The SpaceX mission described below was completed as scheduled in 2020. For up-to-date details, review this eoPortal summary.

Front Range Biosciences is a Colorado-based biotech company, striving to partner cutting-edge scientific research and development with the growth of in-demand crops like hemp and coffee. The company recently announced its plans to partner with Space Cells – a nearby tech startup – and the University of Colorado Boulder for an exciting new project. The three organizations will collaboratively launch more than 480 plant cell cultures into outer space. Using an incubator designed to maintain optimal growth conditions, these cultures will be loaded onto a SpaceX cargo flight, scheduled to launch in March of 2020. This mission will resupply essentials for astronauts presently docked at the International Space Station.
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Elderly Americans Represent Fastest Growing Demographic of Cannabis Users

Elderly woman holding red hand pipe to lips beside friend

United States residents over the age of sixty-five are no exception to the cannabis craze. According to data from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health, only 0.3% of senior citizens reported using cannabis over the course of 2007. A recent study by the University of Colorado Boulder found that the number of senior citizens reporting the use of cannabis this year is 3.7%. In other words, ten times more senior citizens used marijuana in 2019 than those who did so in 2007.

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Historic MORE Act Reaches U.S. Congressional Victory

Animated image of White House with yellow background

Earlier this month, members of United States Congress made history with their vote on cannabis-related legislature. By a majority of twenty-four to ten, the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act was approved by the United States House Judiciary Committee. With this vote, members of Congress have moved to federally deschedule marijuana by removing it from the Controlled Substances Act. If the bill can pass the Senate, states will be allowed to make their own rulings regarding cannabis and enforce them at the state level, free of undue complications from overarching federal limits.

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Broomfield Makes CBD Development History with 400,000 Square Foot Lab

Mile High Labs' Broomfield, CO warehouse with boxes

Hemp, marijuana and cannabidiol have similar roots and are often confused by members of the public who are still green to cannabis culture. The three substances differ in a few key ways. More specifically, CBD differs from marijuana in its composition. As smoke shop regulars may know, THC is the component of marijuana with the propensity for psychoactive effects. Contrastingly, CBD contains no greater than 0.3% THC. CBD reached the threshold of federal legalization last year – a major milestone for the up-and-coming substance. And perhaps no community has embraced the product more than our beloved community of Colorado.

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Government Grants Fund $3 Million in CBD Research

Bottle of CBD Oil and cannabis nugget for research study

Many cannabis lovers advocate the plant for its expansive range of reported health benefits. From psychological afflictions like PTSD, ADHD and depression, to physical symptoms like inflammation and chronic pain, users report improvement in a host of difficult maladies. However, many critics of cannabis bypass the pipe shop visits, citing lacking scientific support of largely anecdotal evidence from Mary Jane’s devoted fan-base. Ironically, laws prohibiting the use of the misunderstood substance were largely based in stigma and underdeveloped research – but these same laws prevented the very research that would help uproot them.

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Higher Education: Respected Colleges Offering Cannabis Curriculum

Cannabis nugget on book with glasses and chalkboard

Today’s cannabis industry amasses almost fourteen billion dollars in annual earnings. Employers in the field have noted that there’s no shortage of applicants interested in working for the booming market. However, qualified applicants are harder to come by.

Jamie Warm co-founded Henry’s Original, a distributer and cultivator of marijuana products in Mendocino County, California. Warm explained that liquor and fashion industry regulars tend to have the strongest backgrounds of relevant experience to bring to the booming new cannabis market.

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Marijuana and Flying: A Tale of Two Governments

Updated on July 19th 2023
Animated view of airport as security checks bags for cannabis

Since the start of 2019, the United States had found itself in an unprecedented situation. More than half of the 50 states now allow some level of legal marijuana use. It’s a stoner’s paradise if there ever was one right? Well, not exactly. Take for instance the issue of flying. Or, more precisely, flying with marijuana. Let’s say you head to our lovely airport in Denver to grab a flight to LA for a weekend of fun in the sun. You’ve got the 1 ounce of cannabis that you’re allowed to carry according to Colorado law in your bag, along with rolling papers, glass pipes and other peripherals you picked up legally at your local head shop. And you’re flying to another state where recreational use of weed is also legally permitted. No problem, right? Wrong.

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Hemp Architecture for the Ages

Architectural structure in progress with hempcrete blocks

Hemp: It’s Really Blowing Up These Days

Silk, engine fuel, cellophane and…dynamite! Surprisingly, all of these products can be derived from hemp, and arguably that’s just four examples of about 25,000 diverse commercial applications for the hemp plant. Frequenters of the blog (namely my mother) might be familiar with a 1936 article from Popular Mechanics that lauds the surprising prodigiousness of the hemp plant:

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Hemp: The World’s First Paper and the Trickster Who Got Everyone to Use It

Close-up of ancient book's worn seam and yellowing pages

The history of China is vast and steeped in legends and mythology. It represents the continuation of a culture so immune to outside influence that it stretches back beyond history to a time before paper or written records of any sort. Today, we’ll skip back before the time of head shops, smoke shops, and vaporizers to look at the invention of paper itself – discovered in the midst of this impressive culture’s beginnings and destined to define the nation’s advancement for centuries to come.

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Hemp’s Essential Role in the Royal British Navy

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Hemp plant seedling in hand superimposed over British flag

The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire

For centuries, Great Britain dominated the planet with military superiority, building bases on every continent and joining those continents with international trade. Integral to this system was an advanced Navy, which boasted the cutting edge of technology in both design and structure.
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Crime and Cannabis: Comparing Studies to Lingering Stigmas

Animation of cannabis leaves above closed handcuffs

Throughout recent years surrounding cannabis legalization, a rather volatile (if quiet) debate has continued to echo down the halls of established mainstream media outlets. One question lies at the heart of the controversy – what social impact, if any, do cannabis dispensaries have on their surrounding communities? The United States and most other countries have had head shops, pipe shops and smoke shops for decades, many of which cater to the cannabis-friendly. For this reason, the concern seems almost strange. At last, the numbers are in to put this issue to rest – so put down that bong and take a look.

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The Founding Fathers’ Love of Hemp

Cannabis leaf image superimposed over British flag

We all know that the founding fathers were industrious and pragmatic men. Benjamin Franklin literally wrote the book on practicality – with his famous work “An American Life” still quoted to this day.

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

It should therefore come as no surprise that some of our nation’s most honored founders were enamored with a plant that was equally practical, industrious and versatile – hemp.

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Twelve Top Presidential Candidates On Cannabis Legalization

Flag-colored art of U.S. map and ballot with cannabis leaf

Nearly fifteen months remain until the 2020 Presidential election, but the campaign trail’s already heating up with more than a dozen Democratic hopefuls striving to unseat President Donald Trump in his bid for re-election. While we get to know the current candidates and their take on issues dear to us, it’s worth considering their respective takes on cannabis and efforts toward its legalization – both Federally and in states across the nation. It’s time to explore the question on all of our minds – who’s for 420 in 2020? We’ve listed twelve top presidential candidates and detailed their reported stances on marijuana below.

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Cannabidiol Extracts Explained

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Marijuana and wheat mixed flour for CBD-infused recipes

While THC is by far the most commonly known cannabinoid, it’s far from the only variety on the rise in our modern culture. Cannabidiol – more popularly known by the abbreviation CBD – has several distinct possibilities for high-quality extracts. It’s easy to confuse the most common cannabinoid extracts for one another – but each respective variety has beneficial qualities that separate it from the rest. 710 Pipes is here to help you differentiate between the top varieties, so you’re ready to navigate the available options with ease.

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O, Cannabis! Reviewing Canada’s Groundbreaking Federal Legalization

Animated Canadian maple leaf with cannabis leaf background

Last Fall, Canada became the second nation in the world (after Uruguay) to federally legalize the possession and recreational use of cannabis amongst its citizens. In its approval of the Cannabis Act, they’ve forged a path that the United States could theoretically follow, should our country reach the threshold for federal legalization. Currently, thirty-three of our fifty states have partially or fully approved the legal use of citizens at a state level. It’s baffling that the use and possession of cannabis, which permitted (to some degree) by laws in two-thirds of our nation’s states, are simultaneously considered felonious at the federal level. This creates a number of difficulties that affect industry workers and imbibers alike.

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Do Marijuana Users Gain More Weight Than Non-Users?

Updated on July 19th 2023
Bowls of pretzels, Pringles, Lays and corn chips

There’s a pervasive stereotype affecting the general public’s perception of smoke shop lovers like myself – regardless of its legitimacy. Many seem to assume that those who frequently consume marijuana, and are thereby subject to frequent munchies, will ultimately weigh more than those who don’t. At long last, a study by the University of Michigan sought to investigate the accuracy of this allegation, and determine whether those who steer clear of cannabis are, by comparison, the lightweights.

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Nine Best Reasons to Burn Incense

Stick of burning incense, brass vases and billowing smoke

Freshens The Air In Your Home

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of incense is its pleasing aroma. Incense is a great way freshen the air in your home. While some flavors are more understated, others pack a bigger punch. If you’re looking to cover something unsavory, or mask the output of a freshly-used water pipe, stronger scents like cinnamon may be best. If you’re looking for a little lift to your household vibe, something subtle may be best for you. It may take a little experimenting to find your perfect fit. We have tons of affordable options at our Denver and Northglenn smoke shops to get you started.

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Five Celebrities Cashing In On The Cannabis Industry

Updated on July 19th 2023
Photo of Hollywood sign altered to say Hollyweed

Some politicians and conservative public figures have spoken out against the rise of cannabis legalization efforts in states across America. While these vocal opponents have made waves in news media, they seem to be the exception in their resistance and not the norm. Recent polls by the NORC at the University of Chicago have shown that 61% percent of Americans are supportive of legalizing cannabis and its derivatives. That’s the highest approval rating since their annual data collection began in 1973. More and more public figures have come forward to support the legislative movement – and to make an easy buck while doing so. Celebrities have overwhelmingly found commercial success in their marijuana-based marketing enterprises – showing that being publicly pro-cannabis can boost one’s social profile. Better yet for weed lovers, for every star who puts out products of their own, the product range at your nearest head shop continues to rise. Here’s a look at five celebrities that are currently capitalizing on cannabis culture.

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New Colorado Legislation Expands List of Conditions Approved for MMJ

Illustrated cannabis leaf beside pounding gavel

The American opioid epidemic has damaged and ended countless lives across the nation, disproportionately ravaging communities affected by poverty, economic depression or limited access to social mobility. The lack of sufficient healthcare in many American communities further exacerbates the increasing reliance on prescription painkillers to manage the effects of chronic illnesses – and the inability for users to cease their reliance on addictive painkillers, whether or not the original symptoms remain.

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Hemp Drives New Auto Industry Developments

Bruce Dietzen poses with hemp-based car he built

In 1941, auto industry pioneer Henry Ford proposed a bold new concept: personal automobiles that everyday Americans can afford. Nearly eighty years later, his company Ford Motors is the fifth most popular auto brand worldwide – if you don’t drive a Ford yourself, you know someone who does. Many fans of Ford’s brand aren’t aware that his original vision for the personalized American automobile incorporated hemp products as a primary structural component. While his well-known Model-T wasn’t made from hemp products alone, they were incorporated into much of the car’s prototype. Ford’s original vision glistened with promise of a sustainable future.

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Top Seven Terpenes Found in Cannabinoids

Word TERPENE centered between illustrated plants

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are a group of aromatic and rich essential oils. Terpenes are most commonly found in cannabinoids like THC, hemp and CBD, as well as many common fruits and plant varieties. Terpenes are incredibly common in the world today, and many studies have backed their propensity to support health and wellness in multiple different ways. This is largely because terpenes naturally enrich all of the foods and plants that they’re found in. While more than 200 varieties of terpenes are in existence today, some are much more prevalent, while others aren’t so common. Today’s smoke shop guide outlines nine of the most popular terpenes around, possible benefits that they offer, and the most common sources that they’re found in.

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Incense Across the Globe

Incense stick burning on wooden holder beside dried roses

What is Incense?

The word “incense” is derived from the Latin word “incendere,” meaning “to burn.” And for several millenniums of human history, we’ve done just that. “Incense” refers to a specific bound material which is burned to produce a number of rich fragrances, and not the fragrance itself. While our modern definition is rather narrow, many experts believe that other flavorful items like cedars, berries and roots have been burned throughout human history to produce the same effects. Like anything that’s withstood the test of time, the use of incense has evolved and improved over its many millenniums of history. Better yet, you can pick some up at 710Pipes’ Denver or Northglenn smoke shops and burn an homage to that rich history tonight. Below we’ll explore the most fascinating aspects of incense’s history and its uses across the globe.

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Buying a Scale

Updated on September 22nd 2023
Hand placing cannabis nuggets onto scale for weighing

Business or Pleasure?

When you’re shopping for the perfect scale, there are several factors to consider. We’ll explain the most important aspects, and help you weigh the pros and cons of each. Many backgrounds lead cannabis lovers to the purchase of a scale. Whether you work in a Denver dispensary, you’re a regular shopper there looking for your money’s worth, or a cautious consumer working to abide by local carrying limits, it’s always good to get familiar with a quality scale. Every day consumers and those working professionally in dispensaries will have a few distinctions in their needs. Whatever your story, we’ll review the top considerations for a quality scale below, and help you find exactly what you’re after next time you stop by our smoke shop. With proper use and a well-made instrument, you can rest assured of your scale’s precision so these worries won’t be weighing on your mind.

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Six Stellar Spots to Hit this 4/20

0420 on animated flip counter with cannabis leaf background

As you’re probably well-aware, Colorado’s favorite high holiday is fast approaching. It’s time to get ready and weigh your options for the best possible bashes in town. Thankfully, we’ve done your homework for you and found some of the sweetest spots to celebrate with the stoner community. Here are six spectacular events that you should consider hitting when the holiday rolls around.

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