Over the past ten years, the number and variety of dry herb vaporizers has exploded. Here at our Denver vape shop, we’ve witnessed the surge in interest first-hand and its sometimes hard to believe. Of course, with any new technology come issues and questions. And dry herb vapes are no exception. A lot of the questions we field from customers have to do with fixing a vape that has broken down or is simply not performing as expected. Below, we’ll get into the details of how to fix common problems associated with a dry herb vaporizer.
Common Dry Herb Vape Problems and How to Deal with Them
While some vaporizers may experience quality control issues native to the brand, we’re not going to get into those. Instead, we’re going to look at problems that tend to affect all convection vapes regardless of make or model.
Your Vaporizer Won’t Turn On
Most (not all) vapes rely on the 5-click start method wherein the user has to click five times in rapid succession to start vaping. If the vaporizer isn’t starting you may not be performing those five clicks fast enough, you may have done four instead of five or the unity may not have an adequate charge.
You Can’t Get Your Vape to Charge
If you can’t get your vaporizer to charge make sure the device is firmly plugged into the outlet or other power source. Make sure you’re using the right power cord for your particular device. If you’re plugged into a power strip make sure the breaker hasn’t been tripped. If it has, simply hit the reset button. Lastly, if you’re trying to charge your vape using the USB port on your laptop there’s a good chance you’re not getting enough power to charge the device. See if you can find an outlet instead.
Your Vape Isn’t Producing a Vapor Cloud
If your device isn’t pumping out those billowy clouds of vapor there are several potential culprits:
You may not have ground the herb properly: Often times the reason clouds are unimpressive is that the herb itself is not ground sufficiently. The more surface area exposed to the heat the more thorough the convection process will be and the bigger the clouds. So, if you just gave your buds a cursory grind, try again. (You can get a high-quality grinder from our online vape shop.)
The oven is overpacked: This one happens all the time. Folks think if a little herb is good, filling the chamber to the breaking point must be great. Actually, it doesn’t work that way. The tighter the oven is filled the less the heat will be able to penetrate and small clouds will be the result.
The temperature setting is too low: Everyone who enters our vape shop has an opinion about the ideal temperature for baking herb, but the bottom line is that if the temp is set too low you’ll get tired, pathetic little clouds (if you get any clouds at all).
You’re inhaling too hard: This also a matter of more is not more. You might think that taking a huge, aggressive tug on the vape will produce robust clouds, but actually drawing heavy on the mouthpiece pulls lots of cold air into the chamber which undermines combustion and results in small clouds. So make sure to inhale in a slow, measured way.
It’s Hard To Pull Air Through the Vape Device and Get a Hit
If the airflow through the device seems constricted there are a couple of potential reasons. The first harks back to what we said above about overpacking the oven. Trying to stuff too much herb into the chamber will not only undermine cloud production but can also make it tough to pull a decent hit.Another potential reason why the airflow is constricted is that the device needs a good cleaning. This is, in fact, the most common reason why people have a hard time getting a decent draw. The screen is clogged with the detritus of earlier vape sessions and there may be a lot of resin stuck to the inside of the mouthpiece. Be good to your vaporizer. Clean it once in a while.
The Mouthpiece Is Way Too Hot
It’s not at all unusual for a vape to heat up to more than 400° F (200° C) and it’s devilishly difficult to contain all that heat in the oven. Some of it is likely to work its way to the mouthpiece and make taking a pull a very uncomfortable experience. This is especially true if you have engaged in a hot and heavy vaping session. The fix for this particular problem is simple: back off and let the device cool down. If that prospect doesn’t interest you then try a rubber or silicone mouthpiece, as they won’t retain heat like a metal mouthpiece will.
Get in Touch With Our Local Vape Shop
Some vapes have problems related to a lack of quality control in the manufacturing process. Other high-quality vape devices have their problems like the ones we outlined above. The good news is that most of them are easily dealt with by making sure you’re using the right cables, making sure the chamber isn’t overstuffed, cleaning the device, and so on.For all things vape-related, visit our online smstop by the Denver area’s premier vape shop: 710 Pipes. We’re easy to find. Just search for “vape shop near me” or call 303-365-0710. We’re open seven days a week.